Covid, finished the beds in the hospitals of Campania, the communication of the Crisis Unit


Emergency beds for Covid 19 in Campania are causing hospitals to collapse. Today’s bulletin, issued by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region talks about more than 1400 positives. Already from the early hours of the morning, the 118 network was in great difficulty, the beds for Covid patients are exhausted, it is no longer known where to take the positives. In the evening, a note from the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region sent orders to all ASL general directors and all hospitals to “activate all beds ad hours” indicated in the plan presented yesterday. The plan of the Campania region, also illustrated by Vincenzo De Luca, plans to increase the number of beds for Covid to 1651. For intensive care in Campania, 301 places will be made available, for semi-intensive ones 359, while the ordinary hospital places will be 991, for a total of 1,651. A provision that will affect all health establishments and that provides for the suspension until further notice of planned hospitalizations, both medical and surgical, until the number set by the Crisis Unit is reached. The situation has gotten worse pressuring the Crisis Unit to order all hospitals to act immediately. The letter is signed by the coordinator of the Crisis Unit Italo Giulivo and by the Director General for Health Protection of the Campania Region, Antonio Postiglione.

The letter is also addressed to the Pascale Institute, among the excellences of Campania in the fight against cancer. The “Pascale” has never welcomed Covid patients precisely because it welcomes cancer patients, therefore particularly immunosuppressed and, therefore, subject to very high risk. It is not clear at the moment whether Pascale will also provide beds for Covid patients.

