“I closed the bar at midnight on October 14 and reopened it fifteen minutes later”, so Aldo Manoieri, owner of the Bar Plaza Cafè in Catanzaro Lido, explains his interpretation in the last dpcm it came into force on October 14. “In the dpcm is the closing time that I have respected but the reopening time is not indicated and I have a 24 hour business that I reopened immediately after “Manoieri explained to La Nuova Calabria that, through this public statement, he wanted to highlight a flaw in the decree signed by Prime Minister Conte to deal with the increase in the number of infections.
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“Around midnight and on the 25th I had the first police check who told me to close. Letting you know what is in the dpcm we find that there is no reopening time. So what time should it reopen? This is the question “added the owner who admitted that he had continued with his business all night and did not want to quit. “It all comes from whoever wrote this dpcm, they don’t even know what they are writing and I will adapt to what is in the dpcm and close at midnight and reopen fifteen minutes later”He concluded.
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Indeed, the reading of the dpcm does not indicate any time for the reopening of the premises but only the obligation to close at midnight with consumption at the table and until 9 pm “in the absence of consumption at the table”. A “leak” that allowed the operator to stay open all night.
Also in Bologna, the owner of Bar Mavit, in front of the Central Station, adopted a similar solution to his colleague from Catanzaro: “The summary is that in the last Dpcm of October 13 they gave a closing time for the premises, but not a Therefore, I can close at 24 and reopen at 24:01. We have chosen to remain closed for one hour to sanitize tables, rooms and spaces and we reopen at one, which is already the next day. We have to work to allow that our employees advance ”, Andrea Ferrari told the Corriere di Bologna.
“We are not doing anything irregular – explains the owner of the Viale Pietramellara business – for the Dpcm, if I have table service I can continue until 24, if I do not have table service until 21, but, potentially, I could do food service for wear. To avoid misunderstandings, we have chosen to close at midnight and reopen the next day, that is at one, selling sandwiches and croissants to go. In fact, the text does not say when it can reopen: we are here day and night, a bar is not required to open at 6 in the morning. The Dpcm was designed for nightlife venues, here we carry out a service for travelers and tourists ”.
Mavit Bar is also obliged to comply with the municipal ordinance “which is much better written – Ferrari concludes – and establishes that, from 22 to 6 in the morning, we cannot supply alcohol or canned drinks. I can give away plastic bottles to go.
Last Updated: Saturday, October 17, 2020, 2:27 PM