There is still an increase in Covid cases: 10,010 people tested positive in the last 24 hours. Yesterday 8,804 infected were registered. Deaths are decreasing: today 55 were registered, while yesterday 83 victims were confirmed, compared to yesterday fewer swabs were made: 150,377 compared to more than 162 thousand yesterday.
Another increase in intensive care +52 (yesterday +47), which reaches 638, while ordinary hospitalizations grow by 382 units (yesterday +326), and now they are 6,178 in total. This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health.
The most affected region continues to be Lombardy, with a further increase to +2,419, followed by Campania (+1,261), Piedmont (+821), Lazio (+795) and Tuscany (+755).
The cured in 24 hours are 1,908 (yesterday 1,899), for a total of 247,872. The number of positives currently rises, 8,046 more today (6,821 yesterday), for a total that, as mentioned, once again exceeds 100,000 patients, the highest figure since May 3. Of these, 100,496 patients, 7,612, are in home isolation
more than yesterday.
New outbreak of Covid positives in Veneto, which today registers 704 more cases and 7 victims. This was stated in the regional bulletin. With 600 infections yesterday, there are more than 1,300 cases in 48 hours. The number of infected (including those recovered and the deceased) since the beginning of the epidemic amounts to 34,277 and the number of deaths to 2,244. The pressure on hospitals and intensive care units continues to increase: 396 patients (+21) are in non-critical wards, 47 (+2) in intensive care units. This last figure has an impact of 10% on the basic equipment, 464 places, of intensive care in the Veneto region.
Four deaths of people positive to the Covid-19 test reported in the afternoon by the Crisis Unit of the Region Piedmont, none of which occurred today (the cumulative updated data reported daily also includes deaths that occurred in the previous days and were only subsequently determined as Covid deaths). The total is 4194 deaths that tested positive for the virus, divided as follows by province: 688 Alessandria, 257 Asti, 213 Biella, 402 Cuneo, 386 Novara, 1847 Turin, 227 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition of 41 residents outside the region but died in Piedmont. Instead, they are 41,895 (+821 compared to yesterday, of which 487 asymptomatic. 314 evaluations, 317 case contacts, 190 with ongoing investigation. There are 43 hospitalized in intensive care (+3 compared to yesterday). There are 658 hospitalized patients who are not in intensive care (+63 compared to yesterday).
There are 7,357 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 838,419 (+ 9,707 compared to yesterday), of which 451,952 were negative.
am 22 the new positive cases in Covid reported by the Crisis Unit of Aosta Valley. Of these 13 are hospitalized, 4 in intensive care and 365 in home isolation. The number of deaths remained stable at 146. The number of swabs performed to date is 32,618. In Valle d’Aosta, the R
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