
“The vertiginous increase in cases of positivity, which is determining an inevitable intervention on the part of the regions and the national government, cannot fail to influence the development of a contest that involves tens of thousands of teachers from all over the country, forced To travel also require the use of multiple means of transportation.
In this regard, I agree with the request, already made by our school principal Camilla Sgambato, by our Senate Group Leader Marcucci and by our other representatives, to postpone it. “
Also from Sicilia Antonio Ferrante, president of the PD Regional Directorate, adheres to the request, by the Pd school director Camilla Sgambato, the group leader in the Senate Andrea Marcucci and other representatives of the PD to postpone the contest extraordinary of teachers that must begin next October 22.
“In these hours in Sicily some municipalities relive the nightmare of confinement while the increase in infections pushes the administrations towards increasingly drastic measures. It is unthinkable that thousands of Sicilian teachers move to the different towns of Lazio, Campania (a region among the most affected) and other regions, some accessible only by multiple means, risking their own health and the didactic continuity, already interrupted. for the three days of absence of the teachers, who would be compromised in case of positivity, without forgetting the human aspects linked to the anguish of embarking on a path in this situation by workers also forced to great organizational difficulties to be absent linked to their precarious situation. “
That is why I also ask, to protect our teachers, their families and the schools in which they serve, that the competition be postponed and, in this, I trust the wisdom of Minister Azzolina and the determination of my party ”.