Catanzaro, bartender “makes fun” of the dpcm: closes at midnight and reopens after 15 minutes | The brigade: he’s right


He himself tells the local newspapers what happened. “It closed regularly at midnight and I pointed this out to the police who were patrolling the area to enforce the ordinance, but information on when a business can reopen was not included in the dpcm,” Manoieri said. The one found by the Calabrian businessman is in fact a small flaw. His is a place open 24 hours on 24 and unlike the others it does not show the opening and closing hours. So the dpcm, in your case, has no “value”.

“Since I have a 24-hour business, I don’t have opening hours and therefore my opening hours are missing,” says Manoieri. And to those who ask him if he will continue or adapt to the directive in the coming days, he answers: “I will adapt to what the dpcm says and I will continue to open at 00:15”. It goes without saying that his story immediately traveled the social networks dividing, as always, public opinion. Between those who paint him as a hero and those who see him more as a danger to public health. All this while waiting for the new dpcm that could soon impose a nightly closure for everyone.
