The virus breaks the government: “They all seem crazy”


The rapid increase in new infections, accompanied in any case by a steady increase in swabs performed, scares the government. What will come will be hectic hours, between meetings and conversations to fine-tune the next actions to be taken against the spread of the Coronavirus: there will be another repression by the Giallorossi since the positives show no signs of waning. There are many hypotheses on the table. At the moment chaos reigns: only indiscretions, anonymous statements and classic specific messages are filtered on social networks. But nothing has been decided yet. There is one word that clearly divides the majority: curfew. The difficulties encountered in organizing a meeting to decide what to do perfectly photograph the inability of the executive chaired by Giuseppe Conte. The first step came at the end of the long meeting at the Palazzo Chigi, which lasted 7 hours, on anti-Covid maneuvers and measures: the intention is to create a new Dpcm between Sunday and Monday.

Since yesterday morning, Friday October 16, Dario Franceschini had started the urgent operation to obtain an emergency summit. The Minister of Cultural Heritage is alarmed by the situation of Covid-19 in our country: his fear is that soon all this will get out of control, with the danger of an uncontrolled increase in cases and a confusion total dictated by the different regulations of the Regions. So last night the prime minister wanted to explain clearly: “We must avoid confinement. We must face this wave with a different and new strategy“However, it will not be easy at all: the prime minister has to deal not only with that shock that was created with the governors, but also with the different visions within their government.

Another squeeze? The hypothesis

In fact, among the Giallorossi, the faction of those who push the hard line is very strong. Among these are Franceschini himself and Roberto Speranza: the head of delegation of the Democratic Party and the Minister of Health would like very strict actions, especially in light of the position taken by the Technical-Scientific Committee, according to which it would be necessary to adopt more rigorous. This could mean compulsory smart work in a percentage to be defined (we are talking about 70% for public administration), stops at events, more staggered hours in school, more distance learning, in particular for high school students, and closing for gyms, amateur contact sports, Barber Shop, estheticians, beauty salons and game rooms. And, as we said, the possibility of a curfew is not excluded.

At the nocturnal summit, Alfonso Bonafede from Gràcia is cautious; Renziana Teresa Bellanova continues to argue that we must learn to live with the virus. Meanwhile, Speranza invokes caution: “The situation is seriousThe lawyer is not entirely convinced of the curfew hypothesis, also because at that moment a crossroads would open: do citizens close at home from 9:00 p.m. or early closing of bars, discos and restaurants? However, the strong economic impact is worrying. , explains the Corriere della Sera, the prime minister would prefer not to have a curfew. Perhaps adopting other rules to counteract the nightlife, such as a restriction for the premises and for the sale of alcohol after a certain time.

In the last Dpcm the prohibition of private dinners did not come and the intervention of the police in the houses was avoided based on reports from the neighbors. But there are those who would have the firm will to step on the accelerator. “In a few days we run the risk of reaching 20 thousand new positives a day, so what do we do?“asks a source close to dossier. The line drawn seems clear: the situation requires another intervention. And it has to be quite fast, it is argued among the Giallorossi. In the next 72 hours, another series of decisions will likely materialize. The CTS said it was ready for a possible last minute meeting: “We are ready to meet on the weekend as soon as we have information on this.“Among the most intransigent, a weekly curfew at 10 p.m. and a emergency shutdown (although not as total as last spring) on ​​the weekends. As reported by theHuffington Post, the position of one of the specialists who supports the government leaves no room for free interpretation: “They all seem crazy to me“And now Conte ends up under accusation, harshly attacked in a low voice by the Pd:”This indecision before what is happening is not possible“.
