
A peak of contagion never before reached (795 in all of Lazio, 342 in Rome). The Institute Spallanzani – the main bulwark of the hospital in the fight against Coronavirus not just from the capital, which no longer accepts non-Covid patients. And, if that wasn’t enough, the board Gypsies It is willing to closely observe the behavior of its inhabitants with compulsory distance education for all colleges and universities, a halt to outdoor and indoor sports for those under 18 years of age and an acceleration of smart work. The governor only awaits the decisions that will be made this morning at the summit between the government and the Conference of the Regions before signing the ordinance. Otherwise, you could go your way.
The first doses of the flu vaccine are arriving at the pharmacies of the province of Frosinone, but there is a boom in applications
The emergency, like the curve, rises worryingly. Yesterday a new record: 795 positive cases were registered throughout the Region (342 in Rome) compared to 594 cases in Lazio (307 in the capital) the day before. But behind this jump there is also an increase in the swabs made: 20 thousand against 16 thousand. It should be noted 5 deaths, 98 hospitalized in intensive care and 78 recovered. It is no coincidence that the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, spoke of the “orange level”, that is, before the red one. “But I’m afraid the situation will get worse.” In Rome, family ties are especially terrifying. In ASL Rome 2, for example, of 154 cases in the last 24 hours, forty are of this nature, in Rome 3 of 51 38 have been infected at home. Also in the capital there are six positive firefighters (3 cases in Tuscolano II, 1 in Nomentano and 2 in the headquarters in via Genova). Another thirty firefighters are in quarantine and three of the 29 operational offices are closed. In this regard, the unions denounce that many shifts in the barracks “are in the open.” At ASL Roma 5, an epidemiological investigation was started at the Nomentana Hospital in Tor Lupara, after identifying one patient in the prehospital phase and 19 cases.
Notice to the hospital in Rome: “Go to the family doctor, here we need space for Covid cases”
Another alarm bell comes from Spallanzani, where 203 patients are hospitalized, of which 25 are in intensive care and which has only accepted Covid patients since yesterday. «This provision, agreed with the health department and with the entire hospital network of the Regional Health Service, explained by the Regional Crisis Unit, is necessary to guarantee the availability of beds for the SARS CoV-2 emergency. At the Rome Institute of Diseases there is an increase in hospitalizations and currently the capacity is 60-70 percent.
Rome, doctors infected with Umberto I. “Immediately suspend hospitalizations”
Meanwhile, as mentioned, the Lazio Region is ready to toughen the habits of its citizens to limit infections. In fact, yesterday morning the ordinance was already drawn up, in the offices of via Cristoforo Colombo. At the center of the offer is distance education in secondary schools and universities, making lessons take place at home and not in the classroom for at least 400,000 students. On the other hand, there were no changes for the students of kindergartens, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, also to meet the parents who, given their age, struggle to leave them alone. The ordinance also provides for the interruption of all sports activities (outdoor and indoor) for children under 18 years of age. But the Region is largely focused on increasing smart work. The latest Dpcm “advises” public and private organizations to increase the level of work at home from 50 to 70 percent. La Pisana would like to even reach 80 percent, but technically it can only do so in public administrations and subsidiaries of its direct competence.
Covid school, isolated students: the unknown factor of siblings usually in class
In recent days, letters have already been sent to the mobility managers of private companies and Lazio ministries from the Via Cristoforo Colombo offices to request an increase in the number of employees who work from home. Also because the board sees this as the only way to reduce congregations on public transportation. Also yesterday, in the Region, there was also talk of a reduction in the hours of bars and restaurants, with the closure of them at 10 pm. To push Zingaretti to take time – in the afternoon a meeting with Councilor D’Amato was held – the commitment of government circles to take into consideration Lazio’s requests. But the governor would have made it clear to the executive that he would follow through with his order if no substantial restrictions emerge from this morning’s summit.
Last update: 10:45