A new anti-Covid Dpcm it will come soon, very soon. And it will contain new restrictions including, presumably, curfew at 10 pm. The summit at Palazzo Chigi between the majority of the heads of delegation and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on the maneuver and the measures to be implemented ended around 4 am today, Saturday 17 October. The Dpcm, press agencies write, citing government sources, could be launched between Sunday and Monday. While for this afternoon, explain the same sources, the Council of Ministers called to give the green light to the Dpb and the budget law must be confirmed.
A new anti-Covid Dpcm that arrives between Sunday and Monday
Even because the Civil Protection bulletin yesterday 10,010 positive cases were reported with 150,000 swabs made. The proven cases are about 6 thousand less than in the previous bulletin. Consequently, the ratio between the number of tampons and positive cases rises to 6.65%, which yesterday stood at 5.4%. That is why there are a series of emergency measures on the prime minister’s table. Among these, the closure of the premises (restaurants, bars, pubs) between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., which is modulated with greater pressure on weekends, could be one of the measures contained, as reported by Conte in the long majority meeting called in the palace. Chigi with the double agenda: maneuver and Covid. The hypothesis remains to deepen the new measures, with a new Dpcm to be issued shortly, perhaps even today, but certainly not to speed up to pass it overnight.
In government, sensitivities to the new provisions would be different. In addition, tomorrow at 9 in the morning it should also be discussed in coordination between the government (with Ministers Boccia and Speranza), Civil Protection, Regions, and Commissioner Arcuri. Among the new provisions could be
- increased grip in amateur contact sports and some physical activities (gyms could be targeted);
- additional measures for hairdressers, estheticians and beauty salons;
- additional measures for cinemas and theaters;
- Additional measures for games rooms and Bingo.
For smart work, a decisive implementation seems likely, up to a 70% share, but it is not known if only for the public administration, as it seems more likely, or even for private companies. Surprisingly compared to what has been written in recent days, schools should stay out of these new restrictions, even if the CTS had received directions to organize modulated distance learning, as well as staggered schedules, for secondary schools. The provisions could be more restrictive for regions with higher risk. A new blockade, explicitly excluded by Prime Minister Conte, is out of the question.
Meanwhile, the Dpcm October 13 remains in force, which already provides for the closure of restaurants, bars and pubs throughout Italy from midnight. Contact sports at the amateur level are also prohibited throughout Italy.
“Italy closes at 22”
In the morning it was learned that the Scientific Technical Committee had requested that a hardening be implemented in a very short time, before the weekend; then it was the Democratic Party with its head of delegation Dario Franceschini who came out and asked for a meeting with the prime minister. The Corriere della Sera writes today in an article by Monica Guerzoni that in the government there are those who raise the hypothesis of a partial closure on weekends, the prime minister looks for other ways to limit the meetings.
Further restrict the hours of bars, discos and restaurants and the sale of alcohol after a certain hour, to counteract the nightlife, or promote smart work to lighten local public transport, with a very high risk of contagion.
Another probable measure is the hardening of contact sports, with the cessation of training sessions and competitions such as football and basketball, at a basic and competitive level, managed by amateur clubs. A sacrifice that would keep schools open.
Also under discussion are the shutdown of swimming pools, gyms and clubs, the restriction of public events and demonstrations, the temporary closure of nonessential shops and game rooms.
Republic instead, it opens on the front page with the ad “Italy closes at 10 pm”, although for now on the table there seems to be only the closing of public stores. Another hypothesis reported by the newspaper is that if all this were not enough, the next step is already on the table:
A total lockdown over the weekend. The alternative is only one, also evaluated from the executive leadership: the prohibition of circulation for non-essential activities, therefore with the exception of work or school, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
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The curfew could be translated into prohibiting the possibility of leaving the house if it were not for work reasons after 10pm or 11pm, but these measures will not be enacted in the new Dpcm that arrives between Sunday and Monday, which only will increase controls. to avoid late-night meetings, without affecting freedom of movement for now. For a national blockade, however, the hypothesis would be taken into consideration only if the number of positives per day reached 30,000: triple the record reached yesterday.