suspension of access of relatives and visitors to nursing homes


The evolution of the epidemiological situation and the worrying growth in the number of infections is at the base of the adoption of an ordinance by the Mayor that suspends the access of relatives and visitors to residential structures for self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient elderly, as well as to the structures. residential buildings for the disabled, located on the territory of the Municipality of Forlì. The same ordinance establishes that the management of these structures will strengthen the forms of remote communication between hospitalized guests and their families, in compliance with the protocols already established and also invites all operators of the structures and guests who have the possibility of using protective mask, in accordance with established protocols.

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“The priority of this administration – says Mayor Zattini – is to ensure the health and safety of our elderly and disabled people who are guests of residential structures, whatever their name, and to reduce the risk of contagion in the fragile population most exposed to the appearance of complications related to the disease. That is why we have decided to oblige the management of residential centers for the elderly and the disabled to completely suspend access by relatives and visitors for the next two weeks, pending the evaluation of the impact of all urgent containment measures. contagion established by the last Dpcm and that of the results of the effects of the rule that establishes the obligation to wear protective masks both outdoors and indoors when necessary ”. The obligations derived from the adoption of the ordinance come into force from Sunday, October 18 to Sunday, November 1, 2020.
