There are 10,010 i new cases of coronavirus recorded in the last 24 hours, with 55 deaths. As feared, the upward trend in infections has not stopped. And in some regions, mainly Lombardy and Campania, it is a growing concern. Admissions also continue to grow: people in intensive care are 52 more than yesterday, while hospitalized patients with symptoms of Covid-19 have increased by 382 units. To face the increase in infections, new restrictive measures could arrive in the next few hours, a new tightening after the last Dpcm on October 13. Government sources, writes theAdnkronos, confirm the call for a meeting at Palazzo Chigi at 9:00 p.m. On the table the budget law and health measures for the coronavirus emergency.
Curfew at 10 p.m. all over Italy?
The conditional for the moment is essential, but let’s be clear. After the boom in infections registered inlatest newsletter Civil Protection, the government is studying the curfew at 22 throughout Italy and distance education in secondary schools. The government’s position is summarized today in a quotation mark attributed by Daily occurrence to a government source: “If in the next few days the new infections skyrocket to 15/20 thousand per day another Dpcm with a kind of curfew will be taken into account. To avoid this scenario, the latest measures must have paid off in two weeks ”.
Talking about time restrictions on freedoms is also the Corriere della Sera, which also indicates a possible provision for the closure of public places at 10 p.m., and the Newspaper, which announces it for 9 pm throughout Italy. In summary, the measures that emerge in these hours as hypotheses taken seriously by the government are:
- curfew throughout Italy at 9 or 10 pm;
- the closure of public places at 10:00 pm;
- distance education in secondary schools (proposed by the Regions already for Dpcm October 13);
- the closure of schools in regions at risk (opposition of Minister Azzolina).
The Regional Minister for Autonomies Francesco Boccia announced that “tomorrow at 9 am a Civil Protection coordination meeting with the Regions, Minister Speranza and Arcuri is scheduled. I ask the Regions to respond to the requests sent by Commissioner Arcuri to intervene if necessary in real time “. News is expected, therefore.
Dario Franceschini, head of delegation of the Democratic Party in the government, announced that he had asked Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte for a summit to launch new restrictive measures for the coronavirus emergency. “I asked President Conte yesterday for a meeting as soon as he returned from Brussels to decide without delay new national measures to contain the infection, obviously in agreement with the Regions,” Franceschini said in a statement reported by Ansa.
Speranza’s words on the hypothesis of a curfew in Italy
On the situation of Sars-Cov2 infections and the hypothesis of a curfew The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, also spoke. “At this time no decision has been made. We read a lot, but no decision has been made,” he said on a visit to Fiorenzuola (Piacenza), responding to reporters who asked him for light on the hypothesis of the institution of the touch of It is also in Italy.
“The situation is serious, and it is serious at the European level: yesterday France made 30 thousand cases, Belgium made 10 thousand cases, Great Britain 20 thousand cases, Germany yesterday exceeded 7,300 cases. There is a serious situation, and we must always tell the truth. With regard to this dire situation, we are working to build adequate responses and thoughtful measures, without pursuing indiscretions. The work must be done seriously. As we have shown that we can do in recent months, “said the minister.” We are in contact hour by hour, there is constant coordination, we are in contact with the heads of delegation, with the presidents of the regions, “said the Minister of Health. , responding to journalists who asked if there will be a meeting with the heads of delegation on the Covid emergency.
The Medical Association is also asking the government for more restrictive measures
“We believe that, at this point, more restrictive measures are inevitable, which nevertheless safeguard the work and education of our citizens. That is why we call on the Government to introduce the necessary measures to safeguard health, a fundamental right of people ”. This is the appeal launched by the president of the Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), Filippo Anelli, on the day when new infections exceed the threshold of 10,000, compared to more than 150,000 tampons. “It’s mostly worrying intensive care filling, already suffering in some regions – explains Anelli -. For this we must be cautious, so as not to infect the most fragile subjects who are at higher risk of complications ”.
What to do then? At this moment we must work, all together, to avoid a new total blockade – Anelli- hopes. We must always bear in mind that, as Pope Francis also reminded us today, we are all in the same boat and we must all help out of the storm. Above all, we take advantage of the sense of responsibility of citizens, so that they follow the few rules necessary today to avoid a new total blockade tomorrow – he concludes -. No measure, in fact, alone is sufficient to contain the spread of the epidemic: we are all called to do our part, rediscovering that harmony of purposes that has already allowed us to emerge once from the emergency. We must all be aware that frequenting places that are too crowded and multiplying the opportunities for encounters exponentially increases the probability of becoming infected and contagious. others”.
The Cts and the hypothesis of a new grip
Meanwhile, the Scientific Technical Committee has also asked the government to inaugurate a new phase of the coronavirus emergency which exceeds the Dpcm of October 13, 2020 because “in light of the new data and the new phase, more stringent measures are needed to face the progressive increase in infections.” The CTS, according to the Ansa news agency, calls for more restrictive measures to be quickly adopted to overcome the current situation, also with a view to the weekend.
Who wants a Christmas confinement in Italy (and how much would it cost)
Among the hypotheses, in fact, that of a ‘curfew’ and remote AIDS at least for secondary schools. Now we have to see what the executive will decide to do, already divided between those who asked for a stronger grip quickly and the “openingists.” However, the coordinator of the CTS Agostino Miozzo and the secretary Fabio Ciciliano let AdnKronos know that “for the moment there has been no pressure from the CTS in the government. The attention remains high, however, and the technical-scientific committee he is ready and available to discuss one or more issues in case the government requires an urgent meeting. “
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Meanwhile, Lega leader Matteo Salvini has previously criticized the government’s possible options: “All at home after 9pm means killing the second industrial and manufacturing power,” he said. “The curfew – answered Salvini to a question about this eventuality, during a press point at the Bi.Mu fair – is done in times of war. I don’t think the virus goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. Let me explain the scientific evidence that I can roam Milan until 9pm and then I have to go home. They seem strange and meaningless things to me ”, he concluded.