Umbria ready to close secondary schools


The emergency of the coronavirus has also returned to concern Umbria and the ‘governor’ Donatella Tesei has convened today (Friday, October 16) an extraordinary council, to address a series of problems related to the pandemic and seek solutions that allow to keep the situation stable , currently under control, thus preventing the Umbrian health system from going into fatigue.

VIDEO Coletto: “We will intervene to stop a continuously ascending curve”

At the center of the discussions, the school also considered, as explained yesterday by councilor Luca Coletto, the element from which the increase in infections arose after returning to the banks in mid-September. Thus, at the end of the meeting, President Tesei participated in the State / Regions Conference and there, together with other ‘governors’, urged the closure of secondary schools for 15 days, starting from next Monday, introducing where possible distance education.

Coronavirus and school: in Umbria 2,770 isolated students, all numbers

“For the moment -explain from Palazzo Donini- the provisions of the Region for the sector have avoided particular criticalities within school complexes, criticalities that can instead be registered in the phase of contact between students near the institutions before and after the lessons. Based on the refusal of the Government, President Tesei, also considering the evolution of the epidemiological trend, will evaluate the opportunity to adopt a specific ordinance ”. One possibility is to dictate at the territorial level more respective provisions than the regulations provided by the executive, provided for in the last Dpcm of October 13.

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Coronavirus in Umbria, the contagion map: data municipality by municipality

Meanwhile, the conversation between the ‘governor’ and the prefect continues for a constant control of the territory to ensure the adoption of correct behavior by citizens, with special attention to the ‘nightlife’ in Umbrian cities and the meetings due to student movements to get to schools. “Following the evolution of the situation – reads a note from the Region – if necessary, the president will evaluate new restrictions on cultural events and any identification of red areas.”
