Intensive care is currently being carried out, thanks to the increase in beds decided by decree. L ‘AbruzzoHowever, it already has problems because it has saturated 150% of the additional beds actually implemented. This is what reveals the 24th weekly ‘Instant’ report of the Higher School of Economics and Health Systems Management (Altems) of the Catholic University, Rome campus. “The number of beds in intensive care has increased, but not the number of anesthesiologists-resuscitators,” the report warns. Analyzing how many of these additional beds are already occupied by Covid-19 patients, it stands out that “Abruzzo has already exhausted this capacity”. In this Region, therefore, the report specifies that “intensive care beds with structural equipment are being used to meet the needs of Covid -19 patients.”
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“Piedmont (83%), Marche (67%), Campania (66%), Tuscany (65%) and Sardinia (63%) are approaching the saturation of maximum additional capacity – experts note – The other regions do not particular critical moments are present, with capacity saturation rates far from the maximum value. Umbria has a zero saturation rate as it has not implemented any additional publication at this time. “” We must consider that the current intensive care team (and the related personnel) should be sufficient for Covid patients but also for patients who are not. We cannot imagine dedicating a critical SSN resource to the pandemic again: this was justifiable in the March emergency, now it would not be justifiable because it would undermine the right to health protection and therefore Lea’s respect for all citizens ” . supports Américo Cicchetti, Professor of Business Organization at the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University.
The report launched a comparative analysis between the number of anesthesiologists and rescuers per bed in intensive care before and after the implementation of the beds provided for by Legislative Decree 34 and the acquisition of new personnel after tenders for the acquisition. of medical personnel. “Before the health emergency, the ratio in Italy between anesthesiologists and resuscitators and intensive care beds was 2.5 – recalls the report – if we take into account the structural response of the regions, or the acquisition of personnel through calls of undetermined and determined temporary positions, and with the increase in beds provided for by Legislative Decree 34, the ratio drops to 1.6 (-0.9), with marked regional differences. ”The lowest value is recorded for Calabria and Marche: 1.4 anesthesiologists per intensive care bed. On the contrary, the region that maintains the highest proportion is Friuli Venezia Giulia, with 2 units per bed. The region with the greatest decrease is Valle d’Aosta (-1.7), going from 3.5 anesthesiologists and rescuers per bed before the emergency to 1.8. In contrast, Veneto and Molise registered the smallest decrease, going from 1.9 to 1.6 and from 2 to 1.7 respectively. ” It is necessary to highlight – underlines Cicchetti – how before the increase in intensive care beds, there is currently no increase in the number of anesthesiologists to the same extent, undermining the established relationship between the anesthesiologist staff and the intensive care bed ”.
Last updated: 14:31