Targeted closures, in Regions with a contagion index greater than 1, to gyms, circles me shops “Not essensial”. Restrictive measures that aim to contain the Rt curve while safeguarding the school and production activities. The directions come from Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the minister of health for the emergency COVID-19 and Professor of General and Applied Hygiene at the Faculty of Medicine of the Cattolica in Rome.
Schools closed by Covid, who will follow Campania? Bonaccini: “If cases arise, lessons from home”
“Given the very serious situation of the virus circulation, we have indicated selective closures in regions with very high circulation of SARS-CoV-2 oriented to allow the realization of school and productive activities. Closures, in areas where the contagion index is greater than 1, must affect aggregation points such as clubs, gyms and non-essential commercial establishments. While how smart I work it should become the usual way of working across the country. The crucial point is safety in public transport and its strengthening.
“Tracking doesn’t work”
“Local health authorities can no longer track infections, so virus containment strategy does not work – Ricciardi explained to Ansa – This is due to two phenomena that are occurring in many regions: the lack or delay in strengthening prevention departments (low number of hygienic doctors available) and the thousands of ongoing outbreaks. The situation is very serious, the regions are moving towards losing control of contagion. “The contact tracking He is not working manually, with interviews with positive viruses in his contacts, or technologically with the Immuni application ».
Covid Italy, curfew hypothesis from 22. Cts: already tight during the weekend, exceeding Dpcm
For now it is just a hypothesis. A set of schemes and possibilities that, among dozens of others, is now making its way onto the government table: the establishment of a curfew is no longer entirely improbable.
Last update: 12:41