Coronavirus, towards a closure before the weekend. Curfew Hypothesis – Chronicle


Rome, October 16, 2020 – “In light of the new data and the new phase, they are necessary stricter measures cope with the progressive increase in infections. “This is what Scientific Technical Committee to the government, so that more restrictive measures that exceed thecurrent Dpcm, even in view of the weekend. Among the hypotheses, that of a ‘curfew’ and the distance education, at least for high school. Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health for the Covid emergency, reveals: “Given the very serious situation of virus circulation, we have indicated specific closures in regions with very high circulation of Sars-Cov2 in order to allow the realization of school and productive activities. The closures, in the areas where the contagion index is greater than 1, you will have to refer to aggregation points like Non-essential clubs, gyms and commercial establishments. While smart work it should become the usual way of working across the country. The crucial point is security in public transport and its strengthening ”. The head of the Pd delegation in the government Dario Franceschini The summit announced: “Yesterday I asked President Conte for a meeting, as soon as he returns from Brussels, to decide without delay new national measures to contain the infection, obviously in agreement with the Regions.”

Ricciardi: skip tracking

“The local health authorities can no longer track infections – says Ricciardi -, therefore virus containment strategy is not working. This is due to two phenomena that are occurring in many regions: the lack or delay of the strengthening of prevention departments (low number of hygienists available) and the thousands of outbreaks in progress. The situation is very serious, the regions are moving towards the loss of contagion control ”. And he adds: “Contact tracing does not work either manually, with interviews with positive viruses in their contacts, or technologically with the Immuni application.”

Bonaccini and solutions for school

Stefano bonaccini, President of Emilia Romagna and of the Conference of the Regions on morning 5, draws the line: “If infections were to increase even more, so as not to lose the school year to children” there are two ‘solutions’: distance education – partial, total – for the needy – or yes different school hoursAnd he explains: “If the school schedule is distributed more distributed in the morning and in the afternoon, the pressure on those who have to be taken to school and taken home is reduced.”

“Lessons in the classroom”. But we discuss the times

The situation of the epidemic

Yesterday he 9 thousand infections and 83 deaths. Milan, with more than 500 positives in the city and more than a thousand in the province, becomes a coincidence. The epidemic in Italy is in an “acute phase” and, in the next month, it runs the risk of reaching critical values ​​in some Regions, according to the monitoring of the Ministry of Health-Iss. In 16 Regions and 2 autonomous provinces, the Rt index exceeds 1. There are 4,913 active outbreaks, 1,749 new ones. Likely outbreaks in the school setting are increasing, even if intra-school transmission remains limited overall. Finally, ten regions are at high risk for the continuation of intensive care, being close to exceeding the threshold limit of 30% for patients with Covid.

Pregliasco: repression in Lombardy

Going towards new restrictions on Lombardy. To report that it is Fabrizio Pregliasco, a virologist at the University of Milan and member of CTS Lombard, who spoke at ‘Agorà’ at Rai3: “Today we will have a meeting of the regional technical-scientific committee, in which initiatives to be modulated will be discussed that presumably will go in that direction”, announces. “I believe that at this time – anticipates the expert – we could implement measures that are not shocking and deadly”, but precisely to avoid more drastic interventions in the future “foresee restrictions especially in what is a recreational activity”. “I believe that at this stage it will be absolutely necessary to maintain the aspects that interest us most” and that is “school and work,” continues the expert.

Covid, the epidemiologist: this is how to avoid confinement

Locatelli (Cts): the march can be reversed

The president of the Superior Council of Health, Franco Locatelli, member of the Technical-Scientific Committee, stops: “I don’t think there are elements that can guide us to foresee a next, new blockade, much less a blockade to be achieved in such a defined time, but still relatively distant, such as vacation season she says to the Corriere della Sera. It will be decisive what each of us in individual behaviors will be able to contribute as a contribution to prevent the increase in new daily cases from assuming an exponential trend and escaping control. For Locatelli “certainly we are in time” to reverse the march “, but it depends on how individual citizens and, together, as a country, are willing to do, so that this can happen. Therefore, it is essential that everyone, without exception Please do whatever is necessary within your means to limit the spread of the virus. “

Galli (Sacco): in 15 days as in France

Very worried Massimo Galli, primary specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan and professor at the Milan State University: “Look, we are in the plague – he tells Repubblica -. I am trying to take care of all the patients I have here. It seems like déjà vu tragic. I had been afraid since August, I expected to be wrong and instead … “. It is true, Italy is still better than other European countries in the clutches of Covid-19, but it is “useless to reason with yesterday’s data – warns the expert -. You have to look at the projections, which unfortunately have little chance.” fail. In 15 days we will be like France, Spain, United KingdomGalli reports that “the situation in Milan is becoming very alarming, on the verge of saturation. And here they are strong critical issues in other places too. It is absolutely necessary that the indications of the government decree work. Otherwise, the path already traced is that of the rest of European countries ”.

Also read: Coronavirus, WHO: “No benefit of Remdesivir”
