Coronavirus, towards closures and lockdowns in Milan; Rt index in 2


Further closures are expected if the epidemiological situation continues to worsen. According to the most recent Dpcm, local governors and administrations can adopt stricter measures than those of the last decree to face the health crisis. In fact, the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, has summoned the mayors of the provincial capitals and the group leaders of the parties represented in the Regional Council for the day of Friday, October 16, to take stock of the situation on the evolution of the spread of the coronavirus. The decision of a new restriction of the measures against the covid is expected, while the prohibition of access to RSA is extended for the relatives of the guests.

In Milan, the Rt index is higher than 2

“For a couple of days the Rt contagion index has exceeded 2 in the metropolitan city of Milan.” This was stated by the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, at a press conference in the Prefecture after a meeting with the heads of the hospitals and with the managers of Ats Milano. The Rt transmissibility index (read “erre con ti”) is a parameter that measures the potential transmissibility of an infectious disease, in this case the Sars-Cov-2 virus: it represents the average number of infections produced by each infected individual. The value of Rt allows evaluating the effectiveness over time of the countermeasures adopted to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The mayor confirmed that in recent days half of the infections in Lombardy are found in the Milanese area and, among these, one in two occurs in the metropolitan city of Milan.

The mayor currently excludes “radical interventions”, any closure will occur “only if the situation worsens.” However, any decision is postponed until Friday after a meeting between the municipality and the region. “We will meet at a table and come to a synthesis. The goal is to find a common direction tomorrow.”

The experts “did not give us a specific alarm on the means of transport” and therefore “no interventions are planned” in this sector at this time. “We are far from 80% capacity, if we have to rethink this we are available but we cannot increase the attractions, I can exclude this,” added Sala, explaining that “the real shame is that we cannot be supported by science regarding the fact that the contagion spreads easily in the metro with respect to the rules. ”Sala then underlined how, according to the data, 50% of the cases in all Lombardy are concentrated in the metropolitan city and 50% of these in the municipality of Milan.

Coronavirus, Room: “The situation in hospitals is worrying”

“The situation is worrying in hospitals, it is clear that the trend is worrying. Today 72 people are in intensive care and a few months ago there were 1,500. But the growth trend is fast and you have to act quickly ”. On Friday, the regional councilor Gallera had announced that the Milan Fair maxi hospital is ready to be reopened.

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