2 minutes, 14 seconds
SITUATION. A low pressure vortex is still in action in Italy and places its center in the northern regions. From it there is a disturbance that continues to affect part of our north-central regions with a scattered backhand. It’s still about a much more boring situation than yesterday, Thursday, when there were episodes of bad weather, even intense in some areas.
FRUSINATE, WORK TO RESTORE AFTER THE BAD WEATHER ON THURSDAY. From the early hours of the morning technicians are in action to restore viability at Valcomino, in Frosinone, after yesterday’s landslides and floods following exceptional rains on Thursday, which lasted well into the night. Provisions are also envisaged for the removal of a fallen rock on the provincial highway 25 Anagni-Acuto and the recovery of the upstream slope, with the risk of new landslides.
AWAKENING WHITE IN THE ALPS. The snowfalls offered by the central-eastern Alps and the first light of day have ceased or are approaching exhaustion stunning landscapes, with snow-covered roads in Val Saisera, in the Tarvisio area, contrasting with the trees still in autumnal garb.
A LITTLE REVERSE IN ACTION TODAY. Today, however, we meet again at the beginning of the day. some rains in Lombardy, western Piedmont and along the Po Delta. On the brink of storms the extreme Levante Ligure with phenomena that go from the sea all the way to the coast on the Tuscan border. Finally, some showers in Lazio and western Sardinia, while in the rest of Italy the conditions are currently calmer. But let’s see how the day will continue:
WEATHER THE NEXT HOURS. Depletion phenomena in most northern regions with partial clearings during the day, except again some rain in the extreme northeast with weak phenomena that will persist in Romagna until the evening and on the borders of Alto Adige, while more brilliant spells will affect the western end of Liguria. The worst conditions will occur in the central regions and in the trend of parts of the south, with skies often closed and rains in Tuscany, Umbria, the Marches, Lazio, Campania and Sardinia, between the afternoon and the evening to the Tyrrhenian Calabria and northern Sicily. Storm phenomena are sometimes expected during the day on the Lazio coast, but especially in the Marche. Sprinkle with snow in the north-central Apennines from 1500/1700 m. Better time on the other hand in the lower-middle Adriatic and the Ionian regions. Daytime temperatures recover in the north, decrease in the south. Tense ventilation on average to the west. For all the details go to the section Weather Italy.
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Wonderful 🙂
Follow our webcams: https: //t.co/fjNNFVs8AK pic.twitter.com/x8ssEHzscG– Saliinvetta (@Saliinvetta) October 15, 2020
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