Cagliari, the flu vaccination campaign begins: 75,800 doses ready for citizens


The influenza vaccination campaign for the 2020 2021 season begins on time, in fact: 75,800 doses of influenza vaccine have been delivered in these days (equivalent to half of the needs for the entire season) in the Assl of Cagliari, with which Local hospitals, RSAs, nursing homes and outpatients that have requested it have already been supplied. In addition, since last week 50,000 doses have already been delivered to 305 family doctors and several free-choice pediatricians. This is only a first tranche given to GPs: the rest will be given during the flu campaign.

The vaccine is intended for the elderly population and for all people suffering from serious diseases, including children, health personnel, pregnant women (in any period of gestation), public service workers of primary collective interest such as forces public safety, firefighters, public transport service personnel, teaching and non-teaching school personnel of all levels, veterinarians, breeders in charge of slaughter and meat transport.

Flu cases in Italy are about 8 million a year with about 5,000 deaths. “QYour year of vaccination is even more important: explains Gabriele Mereu, director of Vaccinoprophylaxis of the ASSL of Cagliari – so as not to further aggravate the burden on our healthcare system with more hospitalizations and deaths in addition to those caused by the new coronavirus “. “Other Favorable Factors for Vaccination – always explains Mereu – sare those related to the easier diagnosis of COVID 19, due to the similarity of the symptoms, as well as the strengthening of our immune system, thus being able to help us fight better, through this mechanism called “agnostic immunity”, even against other microorganisms and among these the new coronavirus ”.

The best period to get vaccinated is between the months of October and November, but the vaccination campaign will continue until the first months of 2021, complying with the scientific evidence that recommends vaccinating always and in any case even in the peak epidemic phase.
Vaccines for the 2020-2021 season, quadrivalent, will protect against all four serotypes and this year compared to the previous year there are variations in the AH1N1 serotype (Guangdong / Maonan), in
serotype AH3N2 (Hong Kong) and in serotype B lineage Victoria (Washington), while the fourth serotype B, lineage Yagamata, will be the same as the previous year (Phuket). Therefore, those who have been vaccinated during the 2019-2020 season are not protected this year against the new circulating serotypes.

The optimal way to practice vaccination is
do it at your family doctor’s office by reserving
and in compliance with all COVID prophylaxis measures as occurs in all health facilities.
