(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 15 – Unions press for an extension of the lockdown on layoffs, along with the coverage of Covid social safety nets. “These are decisions that must be taken immediately, up to the entire state of emergency,” says the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Tania Scacchetti, according to which “it cannot be thought that, in a labor situation already strongly compromised before Covid, freedom The dismissal is decisive for the restart of the economy. An extraordinary situation deserves extraordinary responses and also a strong sense of cohesion and collective responsibility. “
The CISL considers that the interruption of the block of dismissals is “absolutely unacceptable” because it would mean a social drama, says the assistant general secretary Luigi Sbarra. “The words of Minister Patuanelli on the hypothesis of interrupting the blockade of dismissals before the end of the year are wrong and worrying.
The health, economic and social emergency continues to hit all the productive sectors of the country hard. Proceeding in this way would further aggravate the conditions of many individuals and families, with fatal repercussions also on domestic demand. “Uil shares the same opinion:” Until the end of the emergency, the extension of the current system of social safety nets is urgent. and the protection of employment, by blocking layoffs, “says Confederal Secretary Ivana Veronese. In the next budget law, she concludes,” therefore, substantial resources must be provided to guarantee income support, thus using giving peace of mind for workers and companies ”(ANSA).