The jump in infections and the race for restrictions to stop the Coronavirus. At the beginning of the second wave, Italy and Germany present similar scenarios and try to stop the advance of the pandemic, hoping not to have to face numbers close to those of France today. Here is the comparison between the situations in the two countries.
Here Germany
More than 6,600 new infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours in the 16 German Lnder, a jump of more than 1,500 compared to Wednesday 14 October. the highest number since the start of the pandemic, which in Germany peaked at the end of March with 6,300 new cases in a single day. According to experts from the Robert Koch Institut (RKI), the current data are not, however, comparable with those of the spring, since at this stage many more tests are carried out than then and therefore more infections are discovered: since late As of August, the number of tampons and serological tests ranged from 1.1 to 1.2 million per week. But between October 5 and 11, the percentage of positive tests jumped to 2.48%, while in September it was still below 1%. However, the death rate remains low: deaths are 33 in the last 24 hours, bringing the total of Covid-19 victims from February to today to 9,710. The contagion rate, the so-called R0 that measures how many people each patient infects in turn, 1.04, down from the previous day when it was 1.18.
Despite rising infections, the German hospital system is not yet under stress. Currently, according to the RKI, 620 patients with Covid-19 are hospitalized in intensive care, 170 more than a week ago. But in Germany’s hospitals and clinics there are still 9,000 unoccupied intensive care places.
For the first time since June, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Lnder premieres met in presence on Wednesday in Berlin, in a summit that lasted more than 8 hours and was marked by controversy and endless discussions. In Germany, even in emergency situations All decisions on health matters are solely in the hands of the federal states and the central government only has a function of coordination and moral persuasion.. Merkel has made no secret of her great concern about the development of the pandemic and has openly criticized the divisions and the soft line of some minister-presidents on the measures to be taken: We are not doing enough to stay away from evil. The list of health centers that cannot cope with the situation grows day by day, said the chancellor. Pressured by Merkel and the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, the premieres coincided a two-tier package of pandemic severity measures.
Of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week:
– Obligation to wear a mask even outdoors in crowded spaces. The measure is already in force in Munich.
– Maximum ceiling of 25 people for meetings in public spaces and 15 in private parties. Some Lnder, however, do not want to impose it as an obligation but only as advice.
– There will be limits on the number of participants in demonstrations and public events, but figures have not been established.
Of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week:
– Obligation to close at 11pm for bars, restaurants and alcohol shops. In Berlin, where the level of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has already been widely exceeded, the measure has been in effect for a week.
– Prohibition of bringing together more than 10 people, from a maximum of two families, both for private parties and for public meetings. If within ten days, the weekly number of new infections per 100,000 people does not fall below 50, new restrictions will be activated.
– Roof of 100 people for demonstrations and events.
Travel within Germany is not recommended. However, the Lnder remain divided over the so-called Accommodation ban, the prohibition to stay overnight outside the Land itself currently in force in some Lnder, such as Bavaria, Baden-Wrttemberg and Lower Saxony, but rejected as a measure by others, including Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia.
Here Italy
There is a number that marks the return to the great fear and 8,804. These are the new positive cases registered by the October 15 bulletin, the day that Italy set the record for infected with respect to the first wave of the virus. The highest peak in our country was actually reached on March 21 of this year, when 6,557 people had contracted the virus. But then, at the most dramatic moment of the pandemic, there were 26,336 swabs, far fewer than today. The daily average, estimated by calculating the working days, is about 110 thousand, while on October 15 it was 162,932. A registry, which partly explains the registry of infected people.
The first indication that comes from the figures that these days those infected are around 5 percent of the people examined, while in March they were more than four times. Even if photos, videos and news attest to the great difficulty of meeting all requests, the ability to diagnose possible positives with swabs and tests (for a few days even quickly) has increased enormously in Italy, making it difficult to compare the situation . current with that, even more dramatic, from last week. This is confirmed by the number of deaths, which between March and April had reached impressive figures: on March 21, the day of the sad record of infected, 793 people died, while on October 15 there were 83.
The other important fact concerns intensive care. In the spring they were collapsing in Lombardy and the shortage of respirators was such that there was a dramatic controversy over whether or not to choose who to treat and who to let die. Today, however, the situation, according to the government, is under control.. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of Capri reassured Italians by explaining that the national health system has been greatly strengthened and promised to increase the number of doctors in the area. Despite all the efforts of the government, he was surprised by the almost sudden acceleration of the virus, which was expected in a couple of weeks. Transportation is in trouble and the Presidents of the Regions, fearing that they cannot guarantee the service with total safety, have advanced the hypothesis of suspending school in presence during the last two years of high school and returning to distance education. An idea that the government, led by Minister Lucía Azzolina, flatly rejected.
The mask Mandatory outdoors throughout the country, except for the disabled and children under six years of age. The other exception concernssport activity (not the simple walk) and situations in which a person is completely alone, for example in a forest or on the beach. The maximum limit of guests who can be invited to the private houses of six. Parties are prohibited, both outdoors and indoors. possible to party weddings, confirmations, baptisms or communions, but the guests cannot be more than 30. The restaurants and bars Those who have table service can work until midnight, but if they do not have table service they must close at 21.
October 15, 2020 (change October 15, 2020 | 18:58)