“Windows open even in the cold against Covid”


Germans, it is well known, have always been used to discipline and rigor and are so used to it that even children soon learn this way of being. Proof of this is that, in order to go to school, they will have to bring a blanket to class to protect themselves from the cold. This is because to keep the classrooms, which have returned to normal levels, safe from the coronavirus, in the classrooms it will be mandatory to open all the windows and keep them open for a while every twenty minutes to purify the air, regardless of the weather conditions or temperatures, which at some times of the year even drop below zero.

For this reason, according to the Telegraph, in order to follow government directives, some schools in Germany advise students to bring blankets to class and to wear hats, coats and scarves during lessons as part of the fight against the Covid pandemic. 19, where even the little ones are called to do their part. In a letter to students, the Lower Saxony regional education minister warned that “things will cool down a bit” and urged them to “dress well.”

But many doctors have raised concerns about the new government regulations, warning that they will cause a wave of colds and other infections. “The rules are absurd and are a health hazard,” he told the daily Bild. Stephan pilsinger, Munich general practitioner who became a politician and MP for the Bavarian party of the CSU, an ally of the CDU of Angela Merkel.

But the figures in the country are beginning to worry us. There are 4,122 new cases and another 13 people have died from the coronavirus, double the number yesterday when 2,467 infections and six deaths were reported. The latest data from the Robert Koch Institute speak of a total of 329,453 infections since the beginning of the pandemic with 9,634 deaths and about 279,300 recovered patients.

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“I watch the new wave with great concern,” said Chancellor Merkel, specifying that the situation in Europe is becoming “serious”, and has not ruled out new restrictions also in Germany if the contagion curve continues to grow. “We must ask European citizens to respect the rules,” he added because “today it is even more important to ensure that there is no need for a new blockade.”
