(Statoquotidiano, Manfredonia, October 15, 2020 (4:38 pm). Have been registered 5346 test for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and 257 positive cases were registered: 144 in the province of Bari, 12 in the province of Brindisi, 27 in the province BAT, 25 in the province of Foggia, 8 in the province of Lecce, 40 in the province of Taranto, 1 resident outside the region. 7 deaths were recorded: 4 in the province of Bari and 3 in the province of Foggia.
473,161 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 5387 are recovered patients. 4409 are currently positive cases. The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 10,421, divided as follows: 4,308 in the province of Bari; 969 in the province of Bat; 829 in the province of Brindisi; 2,487 in the province of Foggia; 919 in the province of Lecce; 825 in the province of Taranto; 80 attributed to residents outside the region; 4 province of unknown residence.
The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.
Statoquotidian approach
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Last minute. Still 2 positives in Manfredonia: hospital health workers
THE RECONSTRUCTION OF STATOQUOTIDIANO UNTIL October 13, 2020, 8:20 am. “They keep going up positivity the new coronavirus in Manfredonia. After the 44 cases reported yesterday, October 40 to 10, 42 to 11, 44 to 12, this morning there are more 2 positivity. Therefore, total current positives for the Siponto center, net of possible cures: 46 citizens, in a total of at least 130 between quarantine – fiduciary isolation and hospitalizations (in hospital between intensive care, pulmonology, infectious diseases: Casa Sollievo – Policlinico Riuniti di Foggia).
Remembering that are not positive in schools of all types and levels of Manfredonia (the only case was the one already reported by a person who attends a course in a comprehensive school class), much less related to the events before, after and during the Giro d’Italia (also due to the proximity of the events), It can be confirmed (as it was done from day one) the positivity of private offices, businessmen, the military and the many voices that are reported in the city due to Covid, if not after official confirmation, always respecting privacy interested parties. One fact remains: the postponement of many public events, from Manfredonia to Orsara di Puglia and other places ”.
Edited by Giuseppe de Filippo – [email protected]