Coronavirus, 7 victims and 257 cases of 5,346 swabs in Puglia. Only in the Bari area 144 infections: “Especially in the family”


Up to 7 deaths in the last communication and still many positives detected in Puglia, especially in the family context. There are 257 cases of covid-19 infection compared to the 5,346 swabs made, according to data released by the Region on the coronavirus in the October 15 bulletin.

Those infected are divided as follows: 144 in the province of Bari, 12 in the province of Brindisi, 27 in the province of Bat, 25 in the province of Foggia, 8 in the province of Lecce, 40 in the province of Taranto , 1 resident outside the region.

The high figure that is still registered in the Bari area leads to a clarification by the dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce, who reminds citizens to respect the regulations: “The contact tracing activity continues to highlight a series linked to the positive already isolated and subjected to epidemiological surveillance The data that we have shows that viral circulation remains high, particularly in the family and the community, so the extreme utility of following anti-contagion rules must be reiterated: frequent hygiene hands, interpersonal distancing and use of a mask also outdoors. In addition, we invite citizens to strictly comply with the new regulations issued by the Government, especially in a phase in which everyone is called to act responsibly, with full conscience of the current health emergency, helping to limit opportunities. virus transmission “.

The 7 new victims (4 in the province of Bari and 3 in the province of Foggia bring the total of deaths to 625, while the total cured amounts to 5,387, 70 more than yesterday. With these figures the current positive (total of cases fewer dead and recovered) reach 4,409, of which 345 were hospitalized.
