
The situation COVID-19 in Italy based on bulletin of the October 15, 2020. The new ones contagion recorded in the last 24 hours are 8,804 (yesterday 7,332). me dead double in a single day from 43 to 83. I tampons still at the record, nearly 163,000. On top of the number of new cases is still there Lombardy with 2,067 positives. They follow Campania (1,127) e Piedmont (1,033).
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Covid Italia, 586 patients in intensive care
Patients in intensive care for Covid in Italy increase by 47 units in 24 hours, reaching 586, according to data from the Ministry of Health. On the other hand, hospitalizations in ordinary wards grew by 326 units, reaching the figure of 5,796. The current 24-hour positive nationwide increase at 6,821 units, reaching 99,266. Patients in home isolation are now 92,884, an increase of 6,448 units. Those healed and discharged are now 245,964, an increase of 1,899 people.
Campania is booming: 1,127 new cases
The number of positive people in Campania exceeds a thousand. As announced by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, in the last 24 hours the positives are 1,127 (the day before they were 818) out of a total of 13,780. The symptomatic cases are 72; the asymptomatic are 1,055. To date, the total positives is 21,772 cases out of a total of 723,005 swabs. Nine people died in the last 5 days but they were registered yesterday; 317 people healed in the last 24 hours. As for the regional readings report, these are the data. Total intensive care beds: 110; occupied: 66. Total hospital beds: 820; employees: 762.
Lazio, 594 cases and 7 deaths
There are 594 new positives in Lazio out of about 16,000 swabs performed. Seven dead and 45 cured. If the curve does not bend, further measures will be inevitable in the coming days. In the weekly valuation the value of RT is at 1.14.
Covid Lazio, newsletter October 15: +594 cases (307 in Rome) and 7 deaths. The Region: “If the curve does not go down, new measures are inevitable”
In the last 24 hours in Lazio there have been 594 new positives (of which 307 in Rome) compared to the new record of swabs made: almost 16,000. Seven dead in the Region, 45 recovered. The situation continues to be alarming, so much so that the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, warns: “If the curve does not bend in the coming days, new measures will be inevitable”.
Tuscany, 581 cases and 2 deaths
In Tuscany there are 20,262 cases of positivity to the coronavirus, 581 more than yesterday (509 identified in the course of the screening and 72 of the detection activities). New cases are 3% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 581 cases today is about 44 years (16% are under 20, 27% between 20 and 39, 30% between 40 and 59, 20% between 60 and 79, 7% have 80 years or older). Those cured grew 0.9% and reached 11,171 (55.1% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 878,817, 11,146 more than yesterday. 7,879 subjects evaluated (excluding control swabs), of which 7.4% were positive. The positives are currently 7,906 today, + 6.4% compared to yesterday. There are 322 hospitalized (47 more than yesterday), of which 46 in intensive care (stable).
Today there are 2 new deaths: 2 women, with an average age of 82, 1 in Florence, 1 in Pisa. There are 5,684 cases in total to date in Florence (143 more than yesterday), 1,430 in Prato (56 more), 1,372 in Pistoia (50 more), 1,741 in Massa (28 more), 2,362 in Lucca (57 more), 2,497 in Pisa (65 more), 1,044 in Livorno (45 more), 1,872 in Arezzo (75 more), 974 in Siena (50 more), 736 in Grosseto (12 more). There are 550 positive cases reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Thus, there are 249 cases found today at the ASL Center, 195 in the northwest, 137 in the southeast.
Umbria, 263
Absolute maximum of positive cases of coronavirus found in Umbria in a single day, 263, 87% more than yesterday’s data according to the Region’s website, 4,012 since the start of the pandemic. However, the number of hospitalized patients in intensive care remains stable, 12, while the total number of Covid patients in hospitals goes from 83 to 86. The number of confirmed recovered patients is also high, 69, 2,099 in total, while that there are 91 deceased. The positives currently reach 1,822.
Abruzzo, 203
With 203 new cases of coronavirus emerged in the last hours, Abruzzo records the record since the beginning of the emergency. The figure, in fact, exceeds that of March 29, when the positives were 160. The regional total rises to 5,648. The new cases emerged from the analysis of 3,222 swabs, another record number: never before had so many been done in 24 hours. The situation of an RSA in Avezzano (L’Aquila) weighs heavily on the daily budget: 83 of the new cases refer to this structure. There are also two recent deaths: the death toll rises to 491.
Walk, 140
In the last 24 hours, 140 positives for coronavirus have been detected in Marche after the 166 detected yesterday, figures similar to those registered between the end of March and the beginning of April. This was announced by the Health Service of the Marche Region. On the last day, 2,674 swabs were tested (1,451 in the new diagnostic pathway and 1,223 in the cured pathway). Of the new positives, 42 are found in the province of Ancona, 32 in that of Fermo, 25 in the province of Macerata, 23 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 18 in Pesaro Urbino. Cases include symptomatic subjects (26), household contacts (37), close contacts of positive cases (20), returns from abroad (2; Albania and Moldova), cases of screening in the medical care pathway (2), work environment (6); contacts in a living / entertainment environment (19), contacts in a caring environment (7), contacts in a school / training environment (14). As for seven other cases, epidemiological investigations are underway.
Basilicata, 48
There are 48 new positive cases in Basilicata, of which 11 involve citizens of Puglia in isolation in their region, detected in a total of 986 swabs processed yesterday in the Lucan laboratories. These are the data from today’s bulletin of the Basilicata Region working group. The positive cases of Lucanian residents refer to residents in Ferrandina (5), Potenza (4), Matera (4), Roccanova (4), Pignola (3), Marsicovetere (2) and other individual cases in 11 municipalities, to which They add four other cases of non-resident citizens (a Swiss, a Ukrainian, an Argentine and an Apulian) in isolation in the region of Basilicata. On the same day, two people residing in Pescopagano and Emilia Romagna (in the isolation of Lucanian) were healed. There are 36 (+1) people hospitalized: in the San Carlo de Potenza hospital there are a total of 31 (16 in the infectious diseases department, 12 in pulmonology, 2 in emergency medicine, 1 in obstetrics) and 5 in the Madonna hospital delle Grazie de Matera (in infectious diseases).
In the bulletin of the regional task force, which indicates only the residents with registered tampons in Basilicata, the currently positive Lucanians are 438 (+32), the deceased are 37, the cured 458 (+1). Another 53 (+3) cases related to non-resident citizens in Basilicata and foreigners (of these cases, two are hospital admissions and the others are compulsory home isolation in Basilicata) are accounted for separately. Non-residents are not counted who, despite having had a swab in Basilicata, are isolated in Puglia or other regions. Since the beginning of the health emergency, 85,435 swabs have been analyzed, of which 84,283 were negative.
Last updated: 17:22