Lombardy, boom in cases: +1844. Hospitals worry: “At work for a thousand new beds.” Pregliasco: “A confinement in Milan is possible”


The Lombardy records explosion of new coronavirus infections: 1,844 in a single day (yesterday was 1080), with 29,048 swabs carried out. Rise of positives, particularly in the province of Milan: 1,032 cases, of which 504 only in the capital. The dead are 17, while hospitalizations increase: +2 in intensive care and +99 in other departments. Therefore, the alarm grows above all due to the evolution of the situation: the positives of coronavirus increase and hospitalizations are “growing rapidly”, admits the general director of Wellbeing, Marco Trivelli. The concern is not related to intensive care, but to the wards medium-low intensity. Therefore, the Region is working to make available “many more places for subacute “. A resolution is being worked on to” open thousand new beds for extra hospital admissions ”, Trivelli announces. in the meantime Antonio Pesenti, coordinator of the Crisis Unit of the Intensive Care Region, reassures: “We are ready to reopen Hospital build in fair“.

The President of the Region Attilio fontana today I had a meeting with the prefect of Milan Renato saccone about the new possibilities measurements be adopted, also because theregional ordinance is about to expire. For example, the governor does not rule out “differentiating time start of school activities“. The evolution of the contagion is carefully observed:” The comparison with our regional CTS has become constant – confirms Trivelli – the Region can think of proposing more restrictive measures with regard to the Dpcm, we will see if something has to be done ”. The burning topics, in addition to the different school entry times, are the possibility of “anticipating closure of some public exercises, to encourage it smart work and be able to limit the displacements“.

The metropolis worries: “Milan had remained out of danger in the so-called ‘phase 1’ of the epidemic, but its population density facilitates contagion“Explains CEO Trivelli. And the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco speculate a emergency shutdown in the Lombard capital: “It could be possible. Let’s imagine it as a stage. She did it Boris johnson in England for major cities, but also France he is imagining it. Unfortunately I don’t see why we should be exempt“He said in an interview with Popular Radio. The medical director ofGaleazzi Institute from Milan then added: “We have to imagine it and plan it, take it minor interventions and above all have the ability to reduce all that is a useless contact, which in this period really should be postponed to better times ”, he adds. Asked if it was necessary to take more restrictive measures for the city, “you have to see the evolution of these days, this weekend and from there decide the what to do“.

Stopping the growth of new cases is more urgent than ever: second Emanuele Catena, director of intensive care at Sacco Milan, “if we imagine projecting this trend in the coming days, the situation could become explosive“.” The situation is definitely very delicate“, Confirm toAdnkronos Health the director of Regional Welfare Trivelli, but “we are facing a different scenery of the of March April“In the months of the ‘Covid tsunami’, those of the first health emergency that Italy faced, the exponential growth of intensive care was worrying. And the plans that had been drawn up after Phase 1, both at the regional and governmental level, “were thought lines of what happened in March. Then you have to reshape strategy“To respond to a different image, explains Trivelli.

For this Lombardy Palace works in what is called ‘community neighborhoods’, intermediate care: These are higher nursing care beds. The Region provides the resources to open these beds and “our Ats are already testing availability”, Trivelli emphasizes. The context in which they could be opened “can be both in hospitals and in acute diving facilities.” We will look “where there may be additional places that have not yet been contacted or in structures not fully used“” Right now what we care about is raise the beds. We hope that the medici of general medicine are more diligent, today the situation of personal protective equipment is different and its function is crucial intercept cases as soon as possible ”, concludes Trivelli.

Attention remains high also for intensive care: in Lombardy there are 150 the beds provided in the different hubs destined to receive Covid patients. If all were filled, “the Region’s project is to reopen the Fiera di Milano hospital,” he explains toAnsa Pesenti, coordinator of the Crisis Unit of the Region for intensive care. There are currently 64 patients in intensive care in the region. They are currently active 10 hub, but can be progressively activated others 7-8.

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Coronavirus, the data – Registration of new cases since the beginning of the pandemic: 7,332 with 152 thousand swabs. In one day 43 dead and 394 more hospitalized


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Covid, the alarm returns in the RSA: in Milan the Pio Albergo Trivulzio is “locked up”. In Alberobello 59 positive patients out of 63: commissioner

