Published on: 10/14/2020 12:32 PM
Infections and even deaths from Covid are increasing day by day. Many virologists are beginning to glimpse a possible new blockage in December. Between these Andrea Crisanti, director of the department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padua and of the Microbiology and Virology laboratory of the hospital-university of Padua who, as a guest at ‘Studio24’ in Rainews24, maintains that “it may be necessary a confinement in Italy during the Christmas holidays to block the spread of the coronavirus and increase the efficiency of tracking infections in the territory “.” I am concerned – underlines – the limited capacity we have to block the transmission of the coronavirus in the territory. We can only quarantine 5% of positives “.” Intensive care and deaths from Covid-19 always increase a few weeks late compared to the increase in infections. Taking into account the data, therefore, we expect an increase in their number in the coming days. “Crisanti does not spare an ‘excavation’:” The Scientific Technical Committee lacks the technical and scientific support of experts from the academic world. The people who are part of it have only seen the pandemic on television and not on the ground ”.
The risk of a second blockade before Christmas is also “there” Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist and medical director of the Galeazzi Institute in Milan. “But if we take measures – he adds in his speech of ‘It is not a country for young people’ in Rai Radio 2 – I believe that we could live with the presence of the virus”.It is necessary to find as many positives as possible, especially asymptomatic ones; the more we control them, the less they infect “and they treasure the” label we use in the first confinement to avoid the second “.” Intensive care in more than 50-60% of the beds is a fact that can be considered ‘the point of no return’ – he added – because the situation becomes difficult to manage and the risk is to go from linear to exponential growth. “The doses of the anti-Covid vaccine” will arrive from the middle of next year in an amount available to everyone. “In a year how will we be?” In a year we will still have effects and injuries. The virus could degrade to one more manageable and manageable also from a therapeutic and patient care point of view “. Finally, a passage of the flu vaccine, “which is an opportunity for all,” emphasizes Pregliasco, “but which is necessary for those at risk. It partially solves the differential diagnosis, reduces the rate of complications of influenza and therefore the impact of health services and even seems to increase the immune system reducing the chances of infection by Covid ”.
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TAG: covid, covid today, covid today Italy, covid lockdown, covid infections, covid infections today, increase in covid cases, increase in covid cases in Italy, increase in covid cases today in Italy, increase in covid in intensive care, increase in covid infections, increase in covid admissions, latest news news