Coronavirus, 1,900 Nas inspections in restaurants and bars – Chronicle


The commander of the Nas de los Carabinieri, Paolo Carra
The commander of the Nas of the carabinieri, Paolo Carra

Rome, October 14, 2020 – In the days immediately prior to the entry into force of the new Dpcm with the more restrictions to cope with the increase in infections Coronavirus (who bulletin October 13), the carabinieri of In I searched bars, pizzerias, and restaurants to verify compliance with Covid regulations.

October Dpcm: the text in PDF

Well in just a week 1,898 inspections have been made by Nas in restaurants, pizzerias, fast food restaurants, pubs and bars and 351 were rapes identified. The most widespread, equal to 43% of the reports, it was the do not wear masks.

As part of the health emergency, the Carabinieri Command for Health Protection has reinforced controlsi on measures to contain coronavirus infections through the creation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, of a specific service for the control of catering facilities. The inspections were carried out by the 38 Nas centers throughout the country from October 5 to 11, especially in nightlife and afternoon or evening venues.
