Conte alla Camera: ‘Significant resources for female employment’ – Policy


On the employment of women, I welcome the commitment contained in the majority resolution approved yesterday and I assure you that an important part of “the resources of the Recovery” will be used for this purpose “. Thus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Chamber of Communications for the European Council on October 15 and 16, reaffirming the commitment to the single check and to improving services to reconcile the female work of working mothers.

In negotiations with the UK “It is essential to maintain the unity of the member states together with the European Commission and the negotiating commissioner – Conte continued – The time remaining is not long and for such a complex negotiation it must be used wisely. At No Deal we prefer to seek an agreement until the last useful moment but not at any price: It must be a fair deal. ”

At the European Council “I will confirm the conviction that national measures to contain the infection” must be able to count on “a European framework of health and economic support,” said Conte.

Today I will confine myself solely to the items on the European Council’s agenda: out of respect for the agenda, my intervention will only be on the Council’s agenda “despite” that yesterday the Senate also discussed other issues. “Asymmetry of the debate, but I will stick to the agenda” … explained the prime minister at the beginning of his speech, starting from the premise that he is willing to report on the new restrictive rules, but that he must respect the agenda in the camera.