On the day that the number of Covid 19 patients admitted to intensive care doubled in Friuli Venezia Giulia (from five to ten), the 12th floor of the hospital in Trieste’s Cattinara Hospital was reopened, precisely to accommodate the patients more serious. The coronavirus does not spare even the health workers: among the people in intensive care, there is also a 28-year-old health worker from the Latisana hospital. For some time in Friuli Venezia Giulia there has not been such a young patient in intensive treatment; her condition improved because she responded well to the therapies, but we are trying to understand the source of the infection and have started tracking the people she came into contact with.
In the details of the cases, there are also three direct acceptances relating to as many people of 79, 70 and 66 years respectively. Also in light of these increases and the trend in infections, yesterday the 12th plant of La Cattinara was reopened in Trieste, equipped for intensive and semi-intensive care, where teams of anesthesiologists and pulmonologists will work to assist Covid patients .
There, a 64-year-old intubated patient from Udine was transferred, who had already been in an isolated negative pressure ward since Monday night, and a second intubated patient from San Vito to Tagliamento is being transferred.
In the semi-intensive there are, however, three patients: one from the Ospedale Maggiore infectious diseases department, one with pulmonary problems and a third on dialysis who until now was in a dedicated room.
Lieutenant Governor Riccardi pointed out that, as provided by the regional coordination for the emergency, the Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine welcomed Covid positive patients from all over Friuli Venezia Giulia until Monday, while yesterday there were eight. According to the findings of the Giuliano Isontina University Health Authority, after the movement of personnel to reactivate the Cattinara rooms, the normal activity of the hyperbaric chamber was suspended, which will remain active only for emergencies. In addition, as of yesterday the activity of anesthesiology and ambulatory analgesic therapy was reduced to allow the maintenance of the scheduled surgical activity. Therefore, for this week there will be no suspension of interventions, while from the next week the programming will be reviewed based on the ongoing emergency. In any case, urgent and oncological interventions and emergency-urgency activities will not be suspended.
Last updated: 20:57