TRENTO. exist 7,135 almost me 476 deaths in Trentino forCoronavirus emergency, Am 5,957 those recovered from the start of the emergency and 702 current positives. Unfortunately, 2 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. Have been analyzed 802 swabs, 28 tests were positive for a contagion / swab ratio that stands at 3.49%. Then there are 10 other people who tested positive on the rapid test (the result must be confirmed with a molecular swab). Therefore, today’s newsletter reports a total of 38 contagion (Here article). am 26 patients admitted to the hospitals of Trento and Rovereto, no one is in the intensive care unit, but 5 citizens resort to high intensity.
A young man and a woman, already suffering from other serious pathologies, died after contracting Covid-19. Mourning has struck Roverè della Luna, the country cries the dramatic disappearance of Luca kaswalder, which leaves his wife and three children, as well as a great void in the community. A well-known and active figure, also committed as a volunteer in the local organization of the firefighters (Here article), this is the first victim linked to the epidemic in the municipality on the border with South Tyrol.
The other victim was assigned by APSS in the territory of Terre d’Adige, municipality born from the merger between San Rocco boat me Zambana. Even in this case, sadly, it is the first duel in this country.
Among the 28 new positives, tested with molecular swabs, there are 5 boys between 6 and 15 years old who have contracted the coronavirus, as well as many over 70. During these hours, 3 other classes have been placed in isolation, while 1 has completed the quarantine period for a total of 46 classes currently in isolation.
After the death of a guest announced yesterday, there are no updates onRsa of Montagnaga di Pinè (the total is 47 positives, 29 among the guests and 18 among the operators), structure monitored for the active outbreak within it (here article).
No case to Cembra Lisignago: the total remains at 70 infected people since the beginning of September, of which 13 are over 70 years old. As is known, everything started from a graduation party and to try to deal with a significant spread of the coronavirus, obligations, prohibitions and recommendations were triggered for 14 days (here article).
Meanwhile the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed new Dpcm to try to face the resurgence of the epidemic (here article), nothing changes for local football: leagues are guaranteed, as confirmed by Ettore Pellizzari, president of the Football Association (Here article). The same goes for basketball and volleyball: green light for all amateur contact sports, essentially affiliated with Federations or bodies recognized by Coni and Cip.
Of the 28 cases, half are attributed to Trento: 14 new positives and the capital has reached 1,079 cases since the start of the emergencies. There are 2 registered ad infections Arc (396 cases) and Dig (93 almost), Ville d’Anaunia (31 cases) and Pieve Ticino (5 almost).
Instead, there is 1 positive to Terra d’Adige (18 almost), Mezzolombardo (125 almost), Pinzolo (74 almost), They fly (21 cases) e Isera (19 cases). A case has not yet been assigned.
Contagion rates. A Pellizzano 8% of the population was infected, while a Pieve di Bono-Prezzo 6.9% follow Borgo churches 6.6%. Then Campitello di Fassa (6.2%), Bleggio Superiore (5.2%), Canazei (5%), Vermilion (4.3%), Cembra Lisignago (3.5%) e Mazzin (3.4%), Ledro (3.3%), Predazzo (3.1%), Canal San Bovo (3%), Valdaone, Names me Storo (2.8%), Carzano (2.7%), Clearance, Cavedago me San Juan (2.6%).
Still Giudicarie saddle me Castello-Molina di Fiemme (2.5%), Pinzolo me Drains (2.4%), Dig, Caderzone, Soraga, Condino Castle me Giustino (2.3%), Arc me Cavedine (2.2%), Capriana (2.1%), Dro, Mezzocorona, tion me Bondone (two%). The provincial rate is around 1.3%. TO Trento 0.91% is recorded, Rovereto 0.86%, Riva del Garda at 1.1% e Pergine 1.5%.
Today, as anticipated, two deaths have been reported and Trentino sadly rises to 476 deaths since the beginning of the emergency. TO Trento 48 victims have died since the emergency began, 34 to Pergine me Arc, 31 to Rovereto, 30 to Ledro. There are 20 dead to Predazzo, 17 to Riva del Garda, 16 to Dro me Mezzolombardo and 13 to Cavedine me Pieve di Bono-Prezzo, 12 a Pellizzano, 11 a Lavis, 10 a Borgo churches me Names.