
Vincenzo De Luca Are you really a good administrator of the Campania health system? The accounts were made by the newspaper Italy today, Numbers in hand, those of Civil Protection, it was discovered that the Campania sheriff, who for months has not spared criticism against his counterparts in the North, is actually not a good administrator. “A Bureau of the Department of Civil Protection puts it at first place in the national ranking of expense for infected with Covid at the peak of the pandemic, when Campania was still one of the regions least affected by the virus. It was last April 30: for 4,423 infected in Campania, the total expenditure was equal to 337.5 million euros, which is equivalent to 76,308 euros for each infected. Lombardy, most affected region with 75,732 infected, spent 392.1 million in total, equal to 5,178 euros per infected. Money for health care, as is well known, constitutes about 80% of the budgets of the Regions, and the governors bear the main responsibility for this. How can you justify a gap So large between the per capita expenditure of Campania (76 thousand euros for each hospitalization) and that of Lombardy (5 thousand)? “.

Here are other numbers, the Lombardy of Attilio fontana, which ended up in the center of the news from the deaths in the RSA to the issue of the robe, spent 20 times less than Campania, but also half compared to the vaunted Veneto by Luca Zaia, where each hospitalization costs € 10,212, a sum that is, however, lower than the average cost of the 20 regions (€ 12,493).
We reached the other regions administered by the center left. In Tuscany of the former governor Enrico Rossi The per capita expenditure for hospitalized Covid (40,280) was eight times higher than that of Lombardy, in Puglia by Michele Emiliano more than five times more (26,013), in Lazio by Nicola Zingaretti the triple (15,259).
Returning to De Luca Italy today also tracks requests for governor of Campania in recent days: given the increase in infections, first has threatened to shut down all Campania If a certain balance, established only by him, were lost between the infected and the recovered, he requested the immediate dispatch of voluntary health personnel, no less than 1,500 doctors and paramedics.
Then complaining on television “the theft of 300 million” to the detriment of the Campania health service. However, behind the emergency hype there are also opaque economic interests, in addition to the Civil Protection numbers, now even the virologist says it bluntly Andrea Crisanti, which in summer presented to the government of Giuseppe Conte and to the CTS a project of 400,000 pads a day, at a cost of 2.5 euros per pad, instead of the current average of 30 euros. Ignored project. “Today we spend $ 4 million a day on tampons, and for some it is a very greedy business,” Crisanti said in an interview.