Coronavirus, intensive care on the rise: which regions are prepared for the second wave


ServiceSecurity threshold

Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Val d’Aosta exceed the goal set by the government of 14 places per 100,000 inhabitants

by Marzio Bartoloni and Sara Monaci

Coronavirus: stop at nightlife, travel and contact sports. Limited number weddings

Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Val d’Aosta exceed the target set by the government of 14 places for every 100,000 inhabitants

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Only Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Valle d’Aosta are prepared to face the second wave with an endowment of beds in intensive care that exceeds 14 places per 100,000 inhabitants, a safety threshold set by the Government last May when allocated 1.3 billion with the relaunch to strengthen these necessary departments for the most seriously ill Covid patients.

Campania, Umbria and Marche in danger

The other regions are left behind. Among them, some situations are of higher risk, Campania currently being the most worrying situation (only 7.3 beds per 100 thousand inhabitants), followed by Umbria (7.9) and Marche (8.3).
Numbers that are half of Veneto (16.8), Valle d’Aosta (15.9) and Friuli (14.4). Lazio, Emilia or Toscana have better situations (12.7, 11.5 and 11.1), while Lombardy continues with the reorganization of intensive care taking into account the experience of last spring, when it achieved in a short time open to 1,800 beds pushed by the emergency.

The situation in Lombardy

A clarification should be made more precisely for Lombardy, the region most affected by the first wave of Covid. Now it has less than ten beds (9.8) per 100,000 inhabitants, for a total of 983 places currently available, 120 more than in the pre-coronavirus situation. The objective identified for this area is 1,446 total places, but to date the regional health system already has about 800 additional equipment (respirators, monitors, etc.) to be able to intervene quickly (during the months of the confinement, the need for 1,800 plazas). Obviously, Lombardy would want to avoid it, because reaching these numbers would mean sacrificing ordinary activity. At the moment 30% of the places are free, considering not only Covid patients.

Plans for 3,553 additional seats

This is the image of the resuscitation pending the completion of the regional plans that were worked on last summer with Commissioner Domenico Arcuri to create 3,553 additional places. On October 13, the call for bids from the commissioner of companies was closed, which should start working at the end of October.

Meanwhile, the Regions have already added a total of 1,279 stable places to the initial 5,179, so the current endowment, according to the Government, is 6,458 places. But with important regional differences also due to accumulated delays (see Il Sole 24 ore of August 8): the regional plans were expected at the end of June and, instead, they were only sealed at the end of July.
Then there was the difficult conversation with the commissioner to decide who should do the work and it was decided only at the end of September: 10 Regions will exploit the Arcuri leadership, the others asked to do it alone, obtaining power.
