Florence, October 13, 2020 – “I am convinced that coordination at the national level is important at this time. It is a very delicate stage, people want tranquility and authority before the measures that are of a state of emergency. There is a intervention by the government. “The governor of the Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, in La Stampa, regarding the new dpcm october 2020, signed in the evening by the prime minister Giuseppe Conteand by the minister Roberto Speranza, which will be in effect for the next thirty days (here the Pdf of the new Dpcm).
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To know more
New Dpcm, the definitive text. Here is the Covid decree – The Pdf
Giani points out that he will not be “the president of the Region who tries to make an extra ordinance as a protagonist.
“I listen a lot to citizens: they want uniformity in measures and interventions – he continues – I feel that it is time, as institutions, to give the reassuring image of harmony between us. People don’t want conflicts between institutions. In the contingent transition It seems to me that these measures are balanced, it is also necessary to reconcile health needs with economic ones. It seems to me that the measures are going in this direction ”.
At the knot of didactic things from a distance: “I am absolutely against it, the direct relationship in the classroom is too important a value. And then in Italy digital coverage is not so obvious in all regions”.
“I’m convinced that Me It is absolutely necessary to take – he points out – the organization of our hospital system requires investments. “He also hopes there is local closures: “We cannot and must not see the current situation with the eyes of March-April. In Tuscany the situation is sufficiently under control. I am especially concerned about the elderly, we must prevent RSA from becoming a focus and prevention: we must make more tampons, especially in schools. In general, the goal is to get at least 17,500 tampons a day. “
Dpcm October 13, the Pdf of the Covid decree
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