The Asian dictator on the anniversary of the Workers’ Party – Ansa /CorriereTv
During a military parade to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Workers’ Party, Korean leader Kim Jong Un took off his glasses and tearfully apologized to his citizens: “I am ashamed that I cannot repay the enormous trust they have placed in me “Said Kim in a rare admission of guilt, on the same occasion that the new ICBMs were shown to the world.” It is important to understand why he came to cry on such an occasion – said Hong Min, division director from North Korea at the Korean Institute for National Unification in Seoul, to the Korea Times – From his message, we can feel that Kim feels very pressured by his leadership. During the same speech, the North Korean leader also stated that so far there have been no cases of Coronavirus infection in the “hermit kingdom”, for which, however, 2020 has been a very tough year.