Bologna, October 12, 2020 – The advance of the Coronavirus in schools of the province of Bologna. They were infected with a Teacher me three students, everybody symptomatic, attending 4 different schools to Bologna, Casalecchio di Reno me Castiglione dei Pepoli.
The first case attends first grade high school Leonardo da Vinci in Bologna, the last day of classes was last October 9; the second case attends toPier Crescenzi Pacinotti Sirani Institute in Bologna, the last day of classes was last October 6; the third case attends toSalvemini Institute in Casalecchio di Reno, the last day of classes was on October 7 and the fourth case is a professor at the State Institute of Higher Education Fallen from the Direttissima a Castiglione dei Pepoli, the last day of school was last October 9
The Department of Public Health, in collaboration with school leaders and Covid representatives from the 4 schools involved, has taken measures to take charge of the positive aspects and their respective close contacts (colleagues and teachers).
the today’s newsletter talks about another 68 cases of positivity and a death in the Bolognese area.
Read also Dpcm October 2020, Conte: “Maybe tonight”. Proposal for regions: higher education, distance education
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