Which contact sports are prohibited with the new dpcm


Coronavirus emergency in Italy, towards the end of contact sports at the amateur level: what are they.

With the new Dpcm, the government should intervene in sports by banning amateur contact sports. But what are they? Let’s do an overview.

Coronavirus, which are the amateur contact sports prohibited by the government with the new dpcm

In light of the new dpcm, soccer, basketball, volleyball, beach volleyball, and dancing (for both couples and groups) should be banned. Martial arts and boxing are also prohibited. The stop affects amateur sport. Translated, the sport practiced between friends.

As has appeared in the press, the Minister of Health has proposed an even more rigorous measure to stop a greater number of competitions that, on the other hand, not being amateur, can continue. On the subject there would have been a long discussion with Spadafora, evidently with the intention of protecting as far as possible and insofar as possible the right to carry out physical and sports activities.

Championship resumption
Photo source: https://pixabay.com/it/photos/gioco-del-calcio-duello-palla-1350720/

Allowed sports

Individual physical activity, such as running, is allowed. No stop for tennis and paddle tennis, which are practiced At a distance.

Running shoes
photo source: https://pixabay.com/it/photos/jogging-eseguire-sport-jog-2343558/

Gyms and pools

At the moment there are no restrictions regarding gyms and swimming pools, however they are required to comply with current regulations.


On the table of the confrontation against the new dpcm, the issue of the stadiums should also have come, with Serie A and many Regions pressing for a green light to be given to a greater number of people in the stands. The question would come Not dry of the Cts and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. In light of the infection data, the guidance is to crack down on unnecessary activities and the world of soccer is clearly not at the top of the priority list.
