China, after Covid, the watchword is domestic consumption. And the state controls those who do tourism at home: is privacy violated? Without security


Qingdao is a little known city in Italy, if it was not for him beer that bears his name and that is found in any Chinese restaurant: the TsingtaoIn fact, that is the name of the city according to the old phonetic transcription. But in these hours, however, it is the scene of another mega operation to contain a possible outbreak of the virus, after 12 people tested positive for the COVID-19 (figures updated to October 12): the whole population of 9 million inhabitants will be subject to the buffer in five days. As already happened in the month of May a Wuhan – defined immediately after “safest city in the world” – or in June in neighborhoods close to the outbreak of Beijing, these massive tests are what in international medical jargon are defined as “batch tests”: group tests different from individual ones that are required perhaps by necessity job or displacement. You bring more samples individuals – let’s make ten – in a single vial, if the content is positive, the proof individual for everyone, otherwise go ahead. This allows you to speed up procedures and perform buffer to millions of people in a short time. TO Beijing, in addition to residents of neighborhoods near the outbreak, entire categories were tested professional, those who are most at risk. Among them the workers of the catering, cyclists and public employees.

The China found his own method, his platformand Chinese power loves to build standard they come back predictability and security. Otherwise, it would not be possible to manage the large number of people in the country.

They must feel so confident, a Beijing, which allowed nearly 500 million Chinese to leave party during the “golden week”, that is party national celebrating the founding of People’s republic and that started on October 1. It was the first great trial by fire for China post-Covid, both from the point of view sanitary both of that cheap. President Xi Jinping recently launched the slogan of “dual circulation” (shuang xunhuan), that is a new economic doctrine that should inspire the next five-year plan 2021-2025: before the turbulence international and the aggravation of tensions with United States, aims to give more emphasis to “circulation internal“Compared toto export, that is to say, the increase in domestic demand. As the business magazine points out Caixin, in the medium and long term, “this should translate into promotion urbanization, Follow investments in infrastructure, measures to support employment in smaller companies and the improvement of the social safety net and, therefore, of the consumption “.

It is understood, it is not that the exports no longer counts: according to data from customs Chinese, increased 9.5 percent in August, exceeding the Expectations of a pool of economists questioned by Reuters and keep it at record levels ($ 58.9 billion) The trade surplus which is the main object of the controversy – or the main pretext – in the war commercial with the USA

However, today the watchword is “domestic consumption” and, obviously, immediately authority they wanted to check the propensity Alabama consumption of the Chinese dropping them all over the country during the week of party and let them pile up in the main places tourist.

Well, like we said, they’ve moved at least in five hundred million, giving a boost to activities related to tourism, which had a turnover of 466 billion yuan (about 60 billion euros): a decrease of around 30 percent compared to 2019, but a significant improvement compared to -60 percent during the Day celebrations. del Trabajo, on May 1. Sign of trust that is coming back.

me you travel seem to have fallen slightly from last year, minus twenty percent, but we are still talking about huge: 637 million sold-out tickets. me Chinese moved within the country for obvious reasons: entering and leaving China takes more time today than is available to Holidays – and the airport Carry off therefore, it registered a 17 percent increase in internal flights compared to last year.

An interesting fact, which lends itself to several readings, is that only the 29 percent of vacationers he left his province of origin. THE Chinese apparently they preferred the hostel out of town compared to actual vacations: excess caution, lack of liquidity in the year of pandemic or another? Probably, there is mostly behind the Small hand governmental. the authority in fact they have imposed some restrictions: the capacity of main tourist destinations it was limited to 75 percent; different schools primary me secondary shortened vacations by a few days, inducing families not traveling too much from home; some universities have requested students to obtain a permit to leave campus. These measurements are possible by the fact that in China any one is traceable, thanks to special application that everyone should install on their own mobile phone and what is he municipality, both the 3 state telecommunications companies and the main information technology companies are pleased to provide, in a highly effective state-private complementarity.

But if on our part we love to emphasize the role of electronic control in the Black mirror, it escapes many that the real peculiar Chinese element is that control extended at the base, in the territory, put in place by an infinite number of committees: neighborhood, condominium, neighborhood, university, etc. Structures to which the upper levels of the bureaucracy light blue delegate day-to-day management and facilitate, for example, a Wuhan distributed food during the emergency shutdown – while at the same time monitoring and controlling. To us, this sounds like “violation of privacy“, In China the balance needle tends to move towards the term “safety”.

Everybody measurements implemented during “golden week”, regardless of their practical effectiveness, they still send a message: “Wow, enjoy and spend, but be prudent“The Chinese pick up on the fly, interpret, and then decide what to do. The fact is, without this message, the number of national holidays could have been even higher and the public health richer. On a health level, we will know more in a week or two: if there is not an increase in cases, it will mean that the experiment he succeeded.

Monument to the coronavirus

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