New October Dpcm, here is the decree signed by Conte. The Pdf – Policy


Coronavirus, the Dpcm of October 13, 2020
Coronavirus, the Dpcm of October 13, 2020

Rome, October 13, 2020 – New Dpcm with anti-Covid measures: here is the decree signed by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte. The main changes include a ban on private indoor or outdoor parties and a recommendation to avoid receiving at home more than six people he does not live with. the parties that follow the ceremonies on the other hand, they can be carried out with the maximum participation of 30 people in compliance with current protocols and guidelines. Sara effective for the next 30 days. Restaurants and bars will have to close at midnight, but from 9:00 p.m. it is forbidden to consume standing up, so only places with tables, indoors or outdoors, will be able to continue serving customers. Again in school trip ban, stop at soccer and other contact sports at the amateur level.

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More expensive

Article 1 of the dpcm establishes that “compliance is mandatory throughout the national territory of Always carry respiratory protection equipment, as well as the obligation to take them indoors other than the private home and in all outdoor places except in cases where, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation is guaranteed in a way permanent. to people who do not live together, and in any case with the protection of the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities, as well as the guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”. those who play sports are excluded, children under 6 years old, people with pathologies and disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask. The use of the devices is also “strongly recommended” in private homes in the presence of people who do not live together“.

Stadiums and sports halls

For sports competitions the public presence, “with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and in any case no more than the maximum number of 1,000 spectators” outdoors and 200 indoors. The distance of one meter and the measurement of fever at the entrance must be guaranteed.


With regard to professional activities, the government “recommends” that “they be implemented through agile way of working, where they can be done at home or remotely “and that” paid vacations and leave of employees are encouraged, as well as other tools provided for in collective bargaining. “
