the new DPCM has been signed, the official text has been made public. Among the new measures that arrive, the possibility of a new emergency shutdown and the rules up front quarantine me tampons the confusion is great.
Money.it has decided to create one dedicated 10 point guide to those who do not understand anything, enriched with different perceptions, aware of the importance of timely, methodical and, above all, truthful information.
New DPCM, the 10-point guide for those who do not understand anything
We summarize through a convenient list all the valid news that the new DPCM presents until November 13, 2020. This is what you need to know about the recent Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
1) Mandatory mask
On October 7, 2020, a decree law was issued establishing the use of outdoor masks is mandatory. The decree, which entered into force on the 8th of the current month, is valid until October 15. The new DPCM within art. 1 also specifies the obligation of masks:
2) Quarantine news
After a discussion on Sunday with the Scientific Technical Committee, the government changes the rules for “quarantine”, or more correctly fiduciary isolation, incorporating in a circular of the Ministry of Health the indications of the CTS, which says that “In line with international guidelines and adopting the principle of maximum caution, we highlight the need to update the diagnostic route for the identification of positive cases as well as the timely return to the social context of the diagnosed subjects».
As of the current 14 days, in which any person who has been in contact with a positive or is positive is called to remain at their home or other place communicated to the ASL to which they belong, the new decree will pass to 10 days. After this period of time, a swab is needed whose result, if negative, establishes the end of the quarantine.
To know the rules to follow in the different cases that may arise, we recommend reading the following article:
3) News about tampons
Another novelty on the quarantine front concerns the way a positive is considered “cured” – incorrect term, because many test positive for coronavirus but do not develop the associated disease, namely COVID-19 (to better understand the concept: “The difference between coronavirus and COVID-19, between sick and positive»). With the new rules, two negative pads will no longer be needed, just one will suffice.
Within its indications, the CTS gives the green light to carry out rapid tests also in the offices of general practitioners and pediatricians, with the prescription of the molecular swab only if it is positive for the rapid test.
4) Bars, discos and restaurants
The government within the new DPCM has introduced new restrictions for facilities.
These, including restaurants and bars, will have the obligation to close before midnight, while after 9 pm it is forbidden for customers to consume outside of them. Drinks can only be prepared if you are sitting at the table, either outside or inside. Take-out activities are still allowed, except for the prohibition to consume in the vicinity of the restaurant after 9:00 p.m. and respecting the interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter. On the other hand, the closure of discos and dance halls has been confirmed, while congresses and fairs are still allowed in compliance with security protocols.
5) Private parties (even at home)
According to the same words of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, on 75% of infections occur in the family and among acquaintances. Therefore, the Government has decided to strongly recommend – and not impose – the presence of Massimo 6 persons not coexist in the same house, either for dinner or to meet friends and family, suggesting in this case the use of the mask. This means that no administrative sanction is foreseen if this indication is not respected.
Private parties in public places are prohibited. “Parties are prohibited in all indoor and outdoor venues.»Read the new DPCM. The only way to party is in a restaurant, pub, or any other place that has table service, sitting with social distancing and the obligation of a mask when not at the table.
In terms of marriages, funerals, communions and confirmations, participation in the church follows the protocols already in force, while a maximum limit of 30 participants is imposed on subsequent banquets and receptions.
6) Schools and school trips
The text of the decree establishes that “educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided tours and educational outings, all school trips and outings for educational purposes suspended“. Ok instead of«the paths of transversal competences and orientation, as well as practical activities».
The Minister of Education Azzolina on Facebook assured that there will be no new restrictions within schools:
There are rules at school, even very strict ones, that students and staff adhere to with a great sense of responsibility.
has declared.
The limited risk of new outbreaks within schools was recently confirmed by data from the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health.
7) Smart work
The new DPCM once again recommends companies to favor performing work in smart work mode.
8) Sport
In organized contexts that respect the security protocols guaranteed by the presence of a sports club or association, the Government grants approval for the continuation of sports practices related to football, rugby, dance, volleyball, basketball, gyms and other activities in compliance with regulations. . The prohibition, to avoid uncontrolled encounters, for its part refers to sports that are practiced in the open field or any sporting activity that is carried out at an amateur level, such as football matches.
On the other hand, there are no prohibitions or limitations regarding professional sports, such as soccer matches.
9) Public transport
The government leaves all public transportation rules unchanged, such as maximum occupancy.
10) Is a new blockade approaching?
The institutions and, first of all, Prime Minister Conte – through the previous words – exclude the arrival of a new lock, in other words, the forced closure of shops, productive activities and offices, accompanied by the indication to stay inside their homes addressed to all residents in Italy, as happened last March. On the contrary, limited mini-closures remain possible in particularly critical areas.
A new blockade, the Government well knows, could deal the final blow to the Italian economy, already in difficulties on its way to recover from the crisis linked to the coronavirus.
One thing’s for sure: the new DPCM doesn’t mean another crash is imminent. It only remains to see how the measures of the new decree manage to slow down the growth rate of the contagion curve.