A football You won’t be able to play with friends, but neither will basketball and volleyball. Always at an amateur level. However, no prohibition for gyms me swimming pool. This is due to the fact that the diffusion of saliva particles that are expelled with the breath, the famous droplet, increases when physical activity is carried out. And the risk increases with the contact sports. This is what the new Dpcm states.
No more organized matches with soccer, futsal and soccer friends because they are classified as contact sports. Professionals and amateurs will be excluded from the Dpcm, therefore all championships will be saved.
The same goes for challenges between friends. No member limitations. For volleyball in particular, close encounters at the net are considered high risk. All afternoon activities that have security protocols activated will not be limited by the new Dpcm.
New Dpcm, stop the nightlife: non-stop in front of the bars from 9:00 p.m. Clash with the regions in remote lessons
About the confrontation that knows so much about tug of war between and regions until late at night. The governors’ summit ended just at midnight, who said yes, but with a request for clarification. What do the new rules provide?
The new decree puts an end to couples and group dances in which contacts are inevitable. The other disciplines such as rhythmic gymnastics, artistic or classical dance are “safe”.
You can easily go for a run in the park and without the obligation to wear a mask. The misunderstanding between physical and motor activity has been clarified. For the latter we refer to a walk for which it is mandatory to wear the protection device.
Given the high number of contacts and the impossibility of practicing them with masks, contact sports such as boxing, martial arts and combat disciplines will be prohibited.
For gyms and physical activities with course modalities (without interpersonal physical contact) the following rules already in force apply:
– Limited and reserved access;
– Detects body temperature, preventing access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C;
– Organize the spaces in the changing rooms and showers in such a way that distances of at least 1 meter are ensured (for example, arrange alternate workstations or separated by special barriers), also regulating access to them;
– Regulate flows, waiting spaces, access to different areas, positioning of tools and machines, even delimiting the areas, in order to guarantee the safety distance: at least 1 meter for people as long as they do not perform physical activity, at least 2 meters during physical activity (with special attention to intense activity).
As for swimming pools, the same rules apply as for gyms, to which more will have to be added. The density of overcrowding in the pool is calculated with an index of 7 square meters of water surface per person. The free active chlorine parameters in the tank will be monitored every two hours. Before opening the system, the suitability of the water must be confirmed.
No problem for paddle tennis and tennis, considered playable sports maintaining interpersonal distance.
Last update: 10:41