Covid quarantine: the 10 days, the INPS disease and other news


With the circular Covid-19: indications for the duration and end of theisolation and of quarantine signed by Giovanni Rezza, the Ministry of Health has modified the rules on the duration of the period in which the positive to Sars-Cov-2, symptomatic or asymptomatic, or the close contacts of the positive must be isolated.

First of all:
L ‘isolation of the cases of Sars-CoV-2 infection refer to the separation of the infected people from the rest of the community during the contagious period, in an environment and conditions that prevent the transmission of the infection.
The quarantineInstead, it refers to the restriction of the movement of healthy people during the incubation period, but who may have been exposed to an infectious agent or a contagious disease, with the aim of monitoring the possible appearance of symptoms and quickly identifying new cases .

What about asymptomatic positive cases?

Positive asymptomatic people may rejoin the community later a period of isolation of at least 10 days from the appearance of positivity, at the end of which a molecular test with a negative result is performed (10 days + test).

What about symptomatic positive cases?

Positive symptomatic individuals may re-enter the community after a isolation period of at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms accompanied by a negative molecular test performed after at least 3 days without symptoms (10 days, of which at least 3 days without symptoms + test).

What about long-term positive cases?

People who, even if they no longer have symptoms, continue to test positive, if they have no symptoms for at least a week, can stop isolation. 21 days after the onset of symptoms. This criterion can be modulated by the health authorities in agreement with clinical experts and microbiologists / virologists, taking into account the immunological status of the affected people (in immunosuppressed patients the period of contagion can be prolonged).

What about asymptomatic close contacts?

Close contacts of cases with Sars-Cov-2 infection, confirmed and identified by health authorities, should observe: a 14-day quarantine period since the last exposure to the case; or a 10-day quarantine period since the last negative antigen challenge or molecular test performed on the 10th day.

Can you work in quarantine or in solitary confinement?

In periods of quarantine or isolation, according to the INPS clarification of October 12, the worker is expected to continue to comply, based on agreements with his employer, working in smart work mode at home without resorting to social security protection for illness. In this circumstance, in fact, there is no suspension of work activity with relative remuneration. In the event of manifest illness, however, the worker temporarily unable to work, with the right to access the corresponding social security benefit, compensating for the loss of income.

October 13, 2020 (change October 13, 2020 | 09:45)

