They dealt with drug trafficking, raised the protection money and the money from the “raffle” by investing them in hiring neo-melodic singers for the feast of the patron saint of Borgo Vecchio, Sant’Anna, even exerting pressure on relations between ultras groups. This morning the police carried out an arrest warrant for the suspect of a crime against 20 people detained in various capacities responsible for the crimes of criminal association of the mafia type, criminal association directed to drug trafficking, criminal association directed to theft and reception of stolen goods, attempted aggravated homicide, damage followed by arson, consummated extortion and aggravated attempt, aggravated damage, aggravated theft and receipt of stolen goods.
At the head of the criminal group, according to investigations coordinated by the district anti-mafia prosecutor’s office and which culminated in the operation called “Resilience”, would have been Angelo Monti, the new regent who would have been in charge of the reorganization of the “family” after the operation that dates back to November. 2017. At his side are some trusted men, each with a specific task: Girolamo Monti, Angelo’s brother and alter ego, Giuseppe Gambino, who was entrusted with the common fund, Salvatore Guarino (already definitively convicted of mafia association), point of reference for extortion activities together with Giovanni Zimmardi, Vincenzo Vullo and Filippo Leto. And finally Jari Massimiliano Ingarao, grandson of Angelo Monti, a benchmark in the drug trafficking sector.
Neomelodici, lace and raffle for the Sant’Anna party
During the investigations, the military of the provincial command reconstructed the dynamics that governed daily life in Borgo Vecchio. The criminal group would even have been in charge of establishing which neo-melodic singers should go on stage during the holidays, imposing the payment of the “raffle” to the managers of clubs and businessmen and giving “authorizations” to street vendors to sell drinks and food. “In this context – reads a note – the history of the relations of the Borgo Vecchio gangsters with a neomelodic from Catania, linked by family ties to important high-ranking members of this organized crime, in solid relations with Jari Ingarao, is particularly significant. to visit him at his home while he was under house arrest. “
The singer, reconstructs the carabinieri, should have acted for an evening but the act was postponed after the controversy after the broadcast, in June 2019, of a well-known television program during which “discontented” comments were expressed about the story of the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. However, the whole story and some subsequent statements to show closeness to members of organized crime, had led to a series of prohibitions issued by the competent authorities that had effectively blocked the singer’s performance.

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Lace and complaints
During the period examined for the investigations, 22 “classic” extortion cases were reconstructed, 16 of which were unsuccessful and two using the “horseback” method. “The most comforting data comes from the number of spontaneous complaints from entrepreneurs and merchants. Up to 13 cases were discovered thanks to independent complaints from merchants, while another 5 episodes were independently reconstructed thanks to investigations, but then fully confirmed by victims.
The balance between mafia and ultras
According to what emerged from the researchers’ work, a “picture of the relationships emerged – they added from the Command – between the fans of Palermo and Cosa Nostra. Even if from a territorial point of view, the Renzo Barbera stadium is framed in the border area between the municipal mafia districts of Resuttana and San Lorenzo-Tommaso Natale, the leaders of the Borgo Vecchio mafia family have shown a pressing interest so that the contrasts Among the organized ultra groups of Palermo, it was regulated according to their directives, avoiding unpleasant confrontations between ultras within the sports structure, considered on the one hand detrimental to the development of competitions and on the other a source of possible difficulties for a historical boss ultras rosanero, element of contact between what ours and the motley world of organized citizens ”.
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The assassination attempt and the intervention of the “family”
In the course of the investigation, the assassination attempt on Giovanni Zimmardi, “a member of the Borgo Vecchio mafia family and dedicated in its name to collecting protection money”, was also reconstructed, contested against Marcello D’India and Giovanni Bronzino. Everything would have happened inside the victim’s car, which later caught fire. The technical activities, the carabinieri conclude, made it possible to identify the perpetrators and reconstruct the motive: Zimmardi allegedly accused his attackers of having paid for dinner at a local restaurant with fake bills, thus unleashing his fury.