Conte signs the Dpcm: here are the new anti-Covid rules


will be valid for 30 days

Close to nightlife and receptions after ceremonies and blocking soccer and basketball games with friends.

by Nicola Barone

Coronavirus: stop at nightlife, travel and contact sports. Limited number weddings

Close to nightlife and receptions after ceremonies and blocking soccer and basketball games with friends.

4 ‘reading

Stop school trips and private parties, with a “strong recommendation” to limit even those at home with more than six people. And again, close to the nightlife and receptions after the ceremonies and blocking of soccer and basketball games with friends. These are the main novelties of the new dpcm signed during the night by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister Roberto Speranza, which will be in force for the next thirty days.

Previously, the first indications came from the Scientific Technical Committee on the rules identified to avoid an uncontrolled increase in cases, a package designed to avoid a blockade or subsequent actions that lead to excessive economic damage while protecting public health. It was the Prime Minister himself who illustrated the new interventions to the Regions after reiterating the line followed by the executive. That is, targeted interventions now to avoid a heavy hand later.

More expensive

Article 1 of the dpcm establishes that “it is mandatory throughout the national territory to always carry respiratory protection devices, as well as the obligation to carry them indoors other than private homes and in all outdoor places except in cases where that, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of the people who do not live together is permanently guaranteed, and in any case with the protection of the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for the activities. economic, productive, administrative and social, as well as guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”.

Those who engage in sports activities, those under 6 years of age, people with pathologies and disabilities incompatible with the use of a mask are excluded from the obligation. The use of devices is also “strongly recommended” “even inside private homes in the presence of people who do not live together.”

Parties and ceremonies

One of the most controversial points concerns private parties. The government bans those in places open to the public, but it also makes a strong recommendation for those in private homes, be they parties or dinners: if you don’t live together, no more than six people should attend. Indoor or outdoor dance halls and discotheques are closed, while fairs and congresses are allowed.
