In North Korea so far there are no cases of Covid. But is it true?


Since the pandemic of coronavirus all over the world, in North Korea there would not even have been a case of contagion. Word of Kim Jong-un, who then kept us happy to wish all the sick.

After much talk about his health in recent months, there were also those who hypothesized his death, the controversial North Korean leader just as Europe prepares to face the second wave, wanted to emphasize how his country both in their place Covid free.

Not a single person in North Korea has contracted the coronavirus”Kim Jong-un said during a military parade, with zero infections due to strategy implemented by Pyongyang.

Already in January In fact, when the coronavirus made its appearance in China, despite close relations with Beijing, North Korea decided closes its borders, immediately quarantining foreign citizens who were present in the capital.

Coronavirus in North Korea

However, it is difficult to establish whether so far not even a case of coronavirus has ever been determined in the country. Even before the pandemic, little or nothing was known about what actually happened within national borders.

Ansa reported that in North Korea in recent months “ state media have avoided explicit statements in this sense, emphasizing instead the importance of prevention efforts”.

The proximity to China and the South KoreaDespite the isolation, it is hard to think that the virus has not also entered North Korea, where official news speaks of a single suspected case registered in July.

It would have been a thesis fled to South Korea and then returned illegally after three years: located in the town of Kaesong, the city was immediately placed under the emergency shutdown.

The case of last August, when Kim Jong-un has rejected humanitarian aid, after a flood that affected the country, as they would have been possible vehicles for the coronavirus.
