do not contact sports and school trips


AGI – After a confrontation in the government and with the Regions, green light for the new Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, with measures that will be in effect for the next 30 days. This is what you learn from government sources. For now, any measure related to the cessation of private parties disappears. “But how can we send the police force to people’s houses?” A minister asked today. A part of the government is against, in the end there should only be a “strong recommendation” to limit parties in homes, so that a maximum of six people can attend the meetings.

And in any case “if you receive people who do not live at home you should wear a mask”, the recommendation of first story which excludes generalized confinements but to Regions and Municipalities underlines that the situation, although better than in other countries, runs the risk of being worrying. Hence the introduction of the new measures considered in the meeting that ended at 1 am between Prime Minister and the majority heads of delegation.

“Activities carried out in lounges and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors, are suspended” and in private homes “it is strongly recommended to avoid parties and receive non-cohabiting people over 6 “. In any case,” the parties resulting from civil or religious ceremonies may be held with a maximum participation of 30 people, complying with current protocols and guidelines. ”

The inclusion in the Dpcm of the resumption of the distance education for high school students. The proposal had come from some governors.

It was him Minister Speranza to illustrate the executive orientation. Stop school trips, the proposal to suspend contact sports at the amateur level has been confirmed, a rule that will not apply to amateur sports. After 9:00 p.m., parking outside the enclosure will be prohibited..

Fairs and congresses are allowed, says the document, “after the adoption of protocols validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee” and “educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational outings, as they are called, programmed by school institutions of all levels, without prejudice to the activities related to the itineraries of transversal competences and orientation ”.

About “the activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) allowed until 24.00 with table service and until 21.00 in the absence of table service “.” It is highly recommended – read the draft – the use of respiratory protection devices even inside private homes in the presence of people who do not live together. “And again:” It is mandatory keep a safe distance interpersonal for at least one meter. “And” you can use community masks, or disposable masks or washable masks, even self-produced, in suitable multilayer materials to provide an adequate barrier and, at the same time, guarantee comfort and breathability, shape and adequate adhesion that allows covering from the chin above the nose “.” Public access to the parks, to villas and public gardens is subject to strict compliance with the ban on gathering”.

A maximum percentage of filling of 15% of the total capacity is foreseen for events and sports competitions of individual and collective sports and in any case no more than the maximum number of 1,000 spectators for outdoor sporting events and 200 spectators for indoor sporting events. “However,” the autonomous regions and provinces, in relation to the evolution of the epidemiological situation in their territories, may establish, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators depending on the size and characteristics of the places and the plants; As for the maximum number of spectators for events and sports competitions not outdoors, the ordinances already adopted by the autonomous regions and provinces are in any case subject to it “.

I am instead “All races, competitions and all activities related to contact sports are prohibited., as identified above, that is of an amateur nature “. Athletes, coaches, judges and match officials, and their companions from countries for which entry to Italy is prohibited or for which quarantine is required” before entering Italy, they must have performed a molecular or antigen test. ”

About Transportation the MIT “with a decree adopted in common agreement with the Minister of Health, can order, in order to contain the health emergency of Covid-19, reductions, suspensions or limitations in transportation services, including international, automotive, rail, air, maritime and continental waters, also imposing specific obligations on users, crews, as well as carriers and shipowners. “The Presidents of the Regions have the task of planning the services provided” by local public transport companies “.

The new quarantine at 10 instead of 14 days also enters the Dpcm, a measure that yesterday received the favorable opinion of the Scientific technical committee. Green light also on the single buffer for those who are no longer positive for the infection. “The number of spectators in cinemas and live shows will not be reduced”, the tranquility of Minister of Cultural Heritage Franceschini.

Also in the Dpcm Agile work mode and remote mode are recommended And that vacations and low pay for employees are encouraged, as well as other tools that collective bargaining provides ”. Finally, another step: “Access to places of worship it is carried out with organizational measures such as avoiding meetings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the places, and as to guarantee visitors the possibility of respecting the distance between them of at least one meter ”.
