Change of isolation and quarantine periods: this is established by the circular of the Ministry of Health in which the indications on the duration and period of quarantine and isolation are updated. The new guidelines, specifies the circular, take into account the epidemiological situation, new scientific evidence, the indications of some international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee formulated yesterday.
First, the circular distinguishes between isolation and quarantine. First “refers to the separation of infected people from the rest of the community for the duration of the contagion period, in an environment and conditions that prevent the transmission of the infection“. The second, instead, refers to the”Restriction of the movement of healthy people during the incubation period, but who may have been exposed to an infectious agent or a contagious disease, in order to monitor the possible appearance of symptoms and quickly identify new cases.“Now let’s see how long the isolation period should last depending on the specific case.
- A asymptomatic positive case An isolation period of at least 10 days must elapse after the appearance of positivity, at the end of which you must undergo molecular testing. If this is negative, then the isolation period may end.
- A symptomatic positive case A period of isolation of at least 10 days must elapse from the onset of symptoms and then perform a molecular test when at least 3 days have elapsed without symptoms. If this is negative, then the isolation period may end.
- A long-term positive case, that is, a person who, although he does not present any symptoms, continues to test positive in the molecular test, when the symptoms have been absent for at least a week, can interrupt the isolation 21 days after the onset of symptoms. “This criterion can be modulated by the health authorities in agreement with clinical experts and microbiologists / virologists, taking into account the immunological status of the affected people (in immunosuppressed patients the period of contagion can be prolonged)“, specifies the circular.
- A asymptomatic close contact, that is, the close contact of a case of Sars-Cov-2 infection confirmed and identified by the health authorities must respect a quarantine period of 14 days from the last exposure to the case or a quarantine period of 10 days from the last exposure, after which you can undergo an antigen or molecular test (which clearly must be negative).
In any case, the circular recommends “Carry out the molecular test at the end of quarantine on all people who live or come in regular contact with people who are fragile and / or at risk of complications.“It is also suggested.”Provide differentiated access to the test for children.” and of “do not provide for quarantine or diagnostic testing on close contacts of close contacts of the case (i.e., there has been no direct contact with the confirmed case), unless the close contact of the case later tests positive for any diagnostic tests or in the event that, according to the criteria of the health authorities, community screening is appropriateFinally, the use of the Immuni application is encouraged to support contact tracing activities.
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