In the middle of the night Giuseppe Conte signed Dpcm with the new measures: it will be valid with immediate effect for i the next thirty days. First of all, the anti-movement measures, with the activities of the catering services that will be allowed until midnight with table service and until 21 without. To contain the transmission of the coronavirus It is mandatory throughout the national territory to always have the More expensive, as well as to take them indoors other than the private home and in all outdoor places except in cases where separation from people who do not live together is guaranteed.
The subjects who are performing are excluded from the obligation sport activity, children under six years of age, people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask. It is also “Highly recommended” to avoid parties me receive people who do not live together number greater than six, embracing social distancing and masks. Why concern sports chapter, It is allowed to carry out outdoor sports or motor activities, even in conditioned areas and public parks, where they are accessible, provided that in any case the separation of at least two meters for sports and at least one for any other activity. For him ceremonies – understood as weddings, communions, confirmations and funerals – the rules of previously approved protocols remain in force, with the only addition of a maximum limit of thirty people for subsequent receptions.