Also for those who do physical activity outdoors becomes mandatory mask. the Viminale in a circular signed on Saturday October 10 by the Chief of Staff, Bruno Frattasi, with which important explanations are given on the Mascherine Decree approved last week.
The aforementioned provision has expanded thelist of situations in which the mask is mandatory– This should also be put outdoors, at any time of the day, except when in a isolation situation (which must persist continuously).
The same decree indicates the exceptions in which the mask (which also becomes mandatory in all closed places, and not only in public places or open to the public) is not necessary: for example, children under 6 years old should not use it . , as well as those with pathologies for which the use of the mask is not recommended.

However, the Mascherine Decree contains another provision that has been much debated in recent days: in the provision, in fact, we read that the mask should not be worn when doing sports.
In this regard, the circular of the Ministry of the Interior clarifies that this provision applies to only sports activity, excluding from the category of those who are exempt from wearing the mask those who are doing motor activity.
Mandatory mask also for motor activity
So, today those who do motor activity outdoors should put on the mask, unless they are in one continuous isolation condition (for example for those who run on an isolated path).
This is clarified by the circular signed by Bruno Frattasi, which clarifies – if there were doubts – that the provision that provides for the use of the mask “exempts from the obligation to use only those who have sports activity in progress and not the motorboat, not exempt, however, from the obligation in question”.
The doubt arises that in the draft of the DPCM that circulated immediately after its approval it was written that those who carry out sports or motor activities were exempt. However, the latter has disappeared since text published in the Official Gazette, where the only “sport activity“. Therefore, it was not a question of oblivion, but a deliberate act, since the Government wanted to introduce more restrictive rules given the increase in infections.
Difference between sport and motor activity
As explained by the Ministry of Health, according to motor activity means thephysical activity, or “any movement determined by the musculoskeletal system that results in higher energy expenditure than under resting conditions”.
To be configured as a sports activity, however, there must be a situation “structured competitive“Or a situation”subject to very specific rules“Therefore, it needs to be an organized competition, and not just an occasional activity.
Therefore, it is the simple motor activity fast walk (and therefore requires the use of the mask unless in an isolation situation).