The brigade arrives to fine him and he gets in the truck. The merchant’s outburst: “ The pandemic broke our legs, let’s work and get up ”


TRENTO. “The pandemic has cut off our legs and we cannot continue to endure such a situation”, Riccardo Mosna is exasperated. In January 2019 in via Bonporto opened Midi Eating Natural (HERE THE ARTICLE). A place to have lunch and not only with quality products.

The arrival of the pandemic and the long confinement have brought many economic activities to their knees. Among these also, unfortunately, Midi. “What happened – Riccardo tells us – cut off our legs. We no longer open for lunch and now we exclusively serve“A job and a passion that Riccardo, with his employees, is carrying out with difficulty but not giving up.

To do it use a van than obviously temporary parking at the loading and unloading station which is right in front of your business. Today, however, unfortunately, an episode occurred. Yet another that made the exasperation grow even more.

The van had been parked for about an hour and a half during loading and unloading. At one point, the local Tren police officers arrived for a checkto who, applying the rules, have decided to fine him. This is not the first time this has happened.

“We can no longer continue in a situation like this,” Riccardo Mosna tells us. “For some time this area has been attacked by the police and people who park as they want and we, who have to work, we meet the brigade that will fine us if we leave the truck stopped for a moment more ”.

When Riccardo saw the brigade arrive today, the fear was that they also intended to take the truck out and that is why he decided to get on it. “I told them that if they wanted to take my truck, they had to do it with me upstairs.”.

Tense moments that fortunately lasted a few moments. “They eventually came seven officers and they gave me a shame. I asked them to send it home. It is another fine and yesterday it also happened to one of my employees”.

The anger and despair of those who try among a thousand obstacles to continue their work. “We try to work in a difficult situation – Riccardo tells us – and despite having asked the Municipality for a solution to have a place for the truck, it is not possible for us, the merchants, to have a permit. Not only the devastating effects of the pandemic but also these situations fill us only with despair”.

In fact, in Trento, explains Riccardo Mosna, the City Council does not allow “merchants to request an annual subscription for the blue car park.” If you work there all day, you cannot pay 2.20 euros an hour.“.
