Coronavirus today, covid newsletter October 12. Data of Emilia Romagna, other 337 infections


Bologna, October 12, 2020 – The day of Italy It was signed new Dpcm with measures to counteract the spread of COVID-19, contagions of Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna. Today there are 337 (384 yesterday, 383 Saturday) out of 6,600 tampons (yesterday there were more than 8,600, Saturday more than 13 thousand). Bologna (68 almost), Modena (56), Piacenza (44) are the provinces most affected by the virus. the today’s newsletter published by the Region also records a death in the province of Bologna.

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Since the beginning of the outbreak COVID-19, in Emilia Romagna they have registered 38,018 cases of positivity, the total number of victims instead it rises to 4,496.

Gods 337 new cases, 143 they were already in isolation at the time of the swab run, 150 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. the asymptomatic am 132, of these 70 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 22 through the tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 9 with pre-hospital tests. In 31 cases, the reason for the swab is being verified.

There are 11 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia, Malta and regions of France. Instead, 5 positive cases of return from other regions.

L ‘middle age of today’s new positives He is 42.5 years old.

The last infected represent the 5.1% Gods 6,600 swabs tested (yesterday there were 384 cases, 4.4% of the 8,660 tests).

The contagion map with symptomatic symptoms province by province

These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,409 a Piacenza (+44, of which 22 symptomatic), 4,537 years Parma (+25, of which 15 symptomatic), 6,087 years Reggio emilia (+25, of which 18 symptomatic), 5,301 in Modena (+56, of which 35 symptomatic), 6,824 in Bologna (+68, of which 35 symptomatic); 618 cases a Imola (+4, of which 3 symptomatic), 1,596 to Ferrara (+15, of which 8 symptomatic); 1,920 to Ravenna (+11, of which 4 symptomatic), 1,604 to Forlì (+33, of which 24 symptomatic), 1,253 years Cesena (+22 of which 16 symptomatic) and 2,869 a Rimini (+34, of which 25 symptomatic).

In detail, 36 symptomatic of which 16 sporadic and 20 due to outbreaks (family and frequency of public places). Among the 32 asymptomatic cases, 4 are sporadic and 28 are related to outbreaks (family, friends or frequency of public places).

Modena: 56 positives

Of these, 21 are asymptomatic. 5 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, 1 from Croatia, 1 from Romania, 1 from France); 21 are contacts of known cases, linked to different outbreaks, 8 are positive after screening by risk categories and in schools, 22 are sporadic cases in which an epidemiological trace is being carried out.

Piacenza, 44 newly infected

There are 22 asymptomatic people. In detail: 14 were identified by contact tracing; 15 because in the presence of symptoms; 4 for screening in the workplace, in the Cra and in health personnel; 9 among hospital patients, of which 4 in the emergency room; 1 case returns from abroad (Tunisia). In one case, it is a person present in the territory, but a resident and with a diagnosis made outside the region.

Rimini, +34

Of these, 9 are asymptomatic. In detail: 25 were identified due to contacts with known cases, of which 20 in the family environment (2 of which with a person who returned from Albania) and 5 in a work or friends context; 5 cases are sporadic, symptomatic patients; 4 followed by screening prior to admission.

Forlì, 33 new cases

8 the asymptomatic. 24 were positive for close contacts with positives (family, friends, job outbreaks); 5 after swab performed for the presence of symptoms; 3 were positive after the swab performed for hospital access and 1 after the swab performed in a private laboratory.

Reggio Emilia, +25 in the province

They are 7 asymptomatic. The analysis: 12 are attributable to family outbreaks; 5 classified as sporadic, 4 due to school outbreaks and 4 due to work outbreaks.

Parma, another 25 infected

10 are asymptomatic. The details: 12 were detected in the context of contact tracing activities, 6 as patients who had manifested symptoms, 5 after screening activities in categories (of which 2 in schools), 1 was detected with pre-admission screening tests, and 1 with hospital screening test.

Cesena, 22 cases

There are 6 asymptomatic patients. The analysis: 10 identified thanks to contact tracing by contact with already established cases, mainly in the family; 9 for symptoms (1 of which comes from another region); 1 returning from abroad (Ukraine); 2 thanks to detection activities, 1 of which in the workplace.

Ferrara, 15 others infected

There are 6 asymptomatic people. In detail, 5 following trials in Cra; 5 are people from the same family, of which one member works in a Cra and 1 member of the family of a Cra operator. 2 are cases of returns from abroad who work in the same company; finally, 2 are students who have had contact in soccer with teams in which other cases have already been registered.

Ravenna, 11 positives

There are 7 asymptomatic. In 4 cases, they were sporadic patients identified by presenting symptoms, of which 1 returned from abroad (France); 5 were traced as contacts with certain cases – of which 4 were relatives – and 2 patients were identified with the pre-admission test.

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Swabs and serological tests

me tampons made yesterday are 6,660, for a total of 1,297,651. To these are added 2,092 serological tests.

Active cases and hospitalized cases continue to rise

me active cases, that is, the number of real patients is 6,673 to date (324 more than those registered yesterday).

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are a total of 6,364 (+292 compared to yesterday), more than 95% of active cases.

am 25 patients in intensive care (+2 compared to yesterday) and 284 (+30) those hospitalized in other Covid departments.

People generally healed they amount to 26,849 (+12 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 26,842 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

Test at the Erasmus University of Bologna

The outbreak of Erasmus students, burst into Bologna, has already become a school case. Therefore, theAusl and theAlma mater decided to confront, with one tampon detection, the next arrival of a thousand boys from abroad, to avoid Coronavirus it can spread again among college students. “We have an agreement with the rector, Francesco Ubertini, and when another thousand students arrive in the next few weeks, we will invite them to submit to the hyssop – explains Paolo Pandolfi, director of the Department of Public Health -. It will also be an opportunity to give, in their languages, information on the correct behaviors to follow. We will have cultural mediators with us and we are also preparing images. The path, which will be shared with the University, is not yet finished. Relations with Unibo are held by a graduate in Communication Sciences who works in our group ”.

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Coronavirus Italy yesterday and today with the table of regions

I am today 4,619 new casesyesterday +5.456) of COVID-19 in Italy (with 85,442 buffers, 104,658 yesterday) e 39 dead (yesterday 26). This is what emerges from the daily bulletin on the Covid-19 emergency, published by Ministry of Health. Ad
Today 359,569 people have contracted the virus in Italy, while the total number of swabs has reached 12,650,155. The total number of victims is 36,205.

Currently the positives in Italy are 82,764, 77,491 are the people in isolation at home, While and hospitalized there are 4,821, 452 of which in intensive care.

October 12, the other Covid news

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Viruses, infections in the world.
