Admissions to San Donato Hospital increase. + 4 compared to yesterday in the infectious diseases ward and one more person also in intensive care. This is today’s picture of the spread of the coronavirus infection in the Arezzo province. In 24 hours with 2365 swabs 67 cases were discovered.
Anghiari Municipality Surveillance
1) 45-year-old woman who is already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
2) 48-year-old woman who is already in the process of home isolation.
Arezzo surveillance municipality
3) 5-year-old girl already in home isolation as a symptomatic student
4) 18-year-old woman already in home isolation, asymptomatic
5) A 37-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
6) 63-year-old woman already in home isolation due to symptoms
7) A 70-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
8) 72-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case contact
9) 18-year-old girl is already in the process of investigating home isolation
10) 18-year-old girl who is already in home isolation as a case contact, student
11) 28-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
12) 34-year-old man who is already in home isolation as a case contact
13) A 37-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
14) 40-year-old woman already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
15) 44-year-old man who is already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
16) 45-year-old man already in home isolation Investigation in progress
17) 46-year-old man who is already in the process of home isolation
18) A 47-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case contact
19) A 47-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
20) 49-year-old man already in home isolation as symptomatic
21) 52-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
22) 49-year-old man is already in the process of home isolation
23) 75-year-old man already in home isolation hospitalized contact case
Bibbiena surveillance municipality
24) A 13-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
25) A 13-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
26) A 13-year-old boy already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
27) 8-year-old girl already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
28) 25-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
29) 38-year-old woman who is already in home isolation as a case contact, investigation in progress
30) 38-year-old woman already in home isolation as a symptomatic case contact
31) A 50-year-old woman already in home isolation as a case contact, symptomatic
Bucine surveillance municipality
32) 33-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
33) 34-year-old man already in home isolation as symptomatic
Capolona Surveillance Municipality
34) 11-year-old boy already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
35) 17-year-old boy who is already in home isolation in terms of case contact, symptomatic, student
Surveillance municipality of Castelfranco Piandiscò
36) 18-year-old girl already in home isolation as symptomatic
37) 59-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
Surveillance Municipality of Castiglion Fiorentino
38) 17-year-old boy already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
39) 43-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
40) 5-year-old girl already in home isolation, as a contact case, asymptomatic
41) 48-year-old woman already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
42) 50-year-old man already in home isolation as a contact case, symptomatic
43) 66-year-old woman already in home isolation, ongoing investigations, asymptomatic
Cavriglia surveillance municipality
44) 17-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a case contact
Surveillance municipality of Civitella in Val di Chian
45) 69-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigations
46) 82-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
Surveillance municipality Laterina Pergine Valdarno
47) 37-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
48) 69-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
49) 39-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
Loro Ciuffenna surveillance municipality
50) nine-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as symptomatic, student
Lucignano surveillance municipality
51) A 12-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a case of contact, symptomatic
52) A 60-year-old man already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic
Surveillance Municipality of Marciano della Chiana
53) 6-year-old girl already in home isolation as a case contact
54) 27-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
55) A 55-year-old woman already in home isolation due to symptoms.
Montevarchi surveillance municipality
56) A 3-year-old girl already in home isolation due to paucisymptomatic, a student
57) 10-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as symptomatic, student
58) 17-year-old boy who is already in home isolation as a contact case, asymptomatic, student
59) 58-year-old man who is already in home isolation as symptomatic
Sansepolcro surveillance municipality
60) 46-year-old woman already in home isolation Investigation in progress
61) 22-year-old man already in home isolation Investigation in progress
62) 30-year-old woman already in home isolation Investigation in progress
63) 33-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
Surveillance Municipality of Subbiano
64) 49-year-old man already in home isolation due to paucisymptomatic
65) 34-year-old woman already in home isolation as symptomatic
Terranuova Bracciolini surveillance municipality
66) 54-year-old man already in home isolation as symptomatic
67) 37-year-old man already in home isolation, ongoing investigation
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Contact tracing and pads
The Prevention Department through the close contact tracing activity has highlighted for the moment, 109 contacts for the Arezzo cases who have already been immediately placed in solitary confinement. At this time, 3,952 people from the Local Health Authority of the Southeast of Tuscany are already in home isolation, either because of a known case contact or because they come from other countries. The positives in charge are 1,184 at home and 19 at the health hotel.
There are 31 hospitalized for infectious diseases and 5 in intensive care at the San Donato hospital in Arezzo. Case identification and contact tracing was possible by performing 2365 swabs.